So, a new not-a-markup-language, only human readable and editable, and objectively better than its predecessor? Well, it’s all according to tradition. I believe YAML got its start the same way.
So, a new not-a-markup-language, only human readable and editable, and objectively better than its predecessor? Well, it’s all according to tradition. I believe YAML got its start the same way.
YAML to JSON is probably doable, JSON back to YAML not so much.
There are multiple ways to mark multiline strings in YAML. Then there are anchors, like bionicjoey mentioned. Also comments, YAML has them. You’d have to have some way to retain the extra information, if you want to make the full round trip.
Here’s an example:
def-db: &def-db
# here be dragons
login: admin
passwd: nimda
db: *def-db
desc: |
I'm a teapot
short and stout
<<: *def-db
passwd: pass
desc: "I'm a teapot\nshort and stout\n"
converted to JSON looks like this
"def-db": {
"login": "admin",
"passwd": "nimda"
"prod": {
"db": {
"login": "admin",
"passwd": "nimda"
"desc": "I'm a teapot\nshort and stout\n"
"dev": {
"db": {
"login": "admin",
"passwd": "pass"
"desc": "I'm a teapot\nshort and stout\n"
Performance and stability seems to be at the same level it was under windows 10/11. Can’t say nothing about standard compliance, nor do I really care in the end.
I’m kinda sure I wasn’t missing functionality, either. Then again, my card is old GTX, so DLSS not working is not because of drivers.
ETA: Hibernation requires swap space. Yes, swap file is viable alternative to partition, but I already had a swap partition, albeit too small. Even with partitioning aside, enabling hibernation is tedious compared to windows, where it’s literally ten clicks, five with keyboard and five with mouse. And on linux it requires a lot of “rooting around”.
Surprisingly enough, nvidia drivers turned out to be the easy part.
For background, my first linux was debian in late 90’s. I went through gentoo to ubuntu, until I got mac for work about a decade ago. By then my home rig was single booting windows.
So, given my history with debian, I started with ubuntu, only to realize I don’t like its current state. Next up was pop_os, because it’s heavily recommended for gaming. After some time I came to conclusion, that everything I know about linux on desktop is badly outdated, so I might as well go heavy and try arch. I chickened out, though, and went with manjaro. It’s actually quite nice, save for that hibernation.
Normal users are not going to root around in the registry and twiddle things to mske the OS treat them with respect.
I absolutely agree with you, and this statement is absurd, given the context.
Recently I decided to try out gaming with linux. What was planned to be a weekend project turned into multiweek project, and it included a lot of “rooting around” to get things working the way I wanted them to. Maybe it’s linux treating me with respect, when I have to start planning for hibernation when I’m partitioning the drive. Maybe it isn’t.
(Aside, Valve has done great work with proton. It’s time to reconsider, if games are keeping you from switching over.)
I almost got a bingo by checking off things I’ve muttered to myself.
Seems you’re not the only one, as some cargo pants have “smart phone pockets”. I’ve a pair of those, and at least iPhone 12 Pro fits.
Distro developers were notified a month ago. At least Redhat and Debian have have published fixed versions. This is common procedure.
I Still don’t care about cookies? From its description:
In most cases, the add-on just blocks or hides cookie related pop-ups. When it’s needed for the website to work properly, it will automatically accept the cookie policy for you (sometimes it will accept all and sometimes only necessary cookie categories, depending on what’s easier to do).
So, yeah, doesn’t accept everything, but might accept some.
Like I care. I’ve got a plugin that automatically accepts all cookies, and another one that deletes cookies when I leave the page.
I just might, maybe after I finish the current playthrough. Collecting achievements is a job for plague runner.
Although I probably should play it once before the update hits. Then I can join the complain-train, when the new mechanics ruin everything /s
what does annoy me (dunno whether it changed after the patch) is that things like legendary sandevistan heatsinks are only available via crafting.
I’ve never used sandy, but now I’m annoyed, too.
Actually, the whole idea of crafting annoys me, especially how it’s implemented in CP2077. I can suspend my disbelief for a while, and accept quickhacking as advanced tech, no problem. But dismantling an ashtray, a pack of condoms and a shotgun, and turning the parts into a leather jacket, while sitting on my bike in the middle of a highway? CDPR, you owe me an explanation.
Such things should be available (at stellar prices) from shady dealers at high enough stats and street cred.
This is the way. I wouldn’t be sad, if this was the only way. It just doesn’t make sense, that some pampered corporat learns, in a matter of days, the skills to build smart rifles and kevlar vests. There apparently are people in NC, who make a living as techie. How is that possible, if acquiring the skills is so easy? Same goes for every smith in Skyrim, etc.
My point, if I had one, would be that “boring, repetitive multiplayer games” are so much fun, for so many, that calling people to stop playing them is an exercise in futility.
That said, I find them un-fun, too. Mostly because I constantly get my ass kicked, but also because I enjoy slower, 4x and plot driven games more. To each their own.
competitive, multiplayer games. “I do the same thing with the same guns on the same map every day and I’m bored. Gaming is boring.”
Sounds a lot like football, except for the guns. Opposing team has new skins for every game, but the game loop is exactly same for every game, all the game. And the map, oh gods, the map! Notice the singular? Yeah, there’s actually just one map. Some background textures change, but functionally it’s always the same green rectangle with some lines drawn over.
Can’t remember the first airline proper, but my first flight was with a bush pilot. Old, well beaten floatplane, the first leg of our trip. Took a week to walk back, stopping to fish on every lake along the way.
Fair enough. I was kidding, but downvoting a joke that lame is well deserved.
Most probably none of those are proper IPAs. The ‘I’ in IPA stands for India. IPA is only half-done, if it did not travel on a sailboat around the Africa from England to India.
Not OP, but I kinda agree with them.
Teams are abstract, it’s easier to project your own ideals on to them. Not completely unlike respecting the office, even if loathing the politician currently holding it. It becomes “our thing”.
Also teams have longevity, or at least potential for longevity. Where I live, the two major local ice-hockey teams are founded in 1928 and 1967. There are families with generations of fans. Athlete’s career could be over in a decade.