Thank you
I am going to need new ones shortly and I am struggling to find any with the nanna strap. What type do you have?
Parson what? How does this work? How do you k ow which way they are turning?
No Macdonalds is making a stink because it’s now cheaper to make foods at home for their core demographic -poor people. The article says they will drop some food prices accordingly.
Why the fuck is it still called Margaret Court Arena? For those who don’t know …
Forgive my phone for not getting links to work.
It’s that or be 300kg. Like not feeling horny, I swear I don’t feel hunger, I just eat to be happy. There is a balance between food and fapping.
27°C at not quite 8am xmas day heading for only 36° thankfully… Standard not a cloud in the sky,
Its a reminder to exercise to lift that bottom, the sweat has begun
It is over the top but unfortunately i have seen it with my old friends and certainly coworkers. Especially the really lonely desperate women all flock to the louder, flamboyent type men. I think it is simply that they want someone who gives them attention, loudly. This way they feel loved and everyone knows that they are loved, unfortunately everyone else can see these men for what they are.
That is terrible, I love it.
Wait wait wait. Ooh I’m so going to try this now.
Dark brown sugar sandwiches. Yep fresh water bread. Butter thick. Dark brown sugar between. Yeah I’ll probably be having a heart attack any day now.
It turns Into hookups and sexually explicit pics if reddit was anything to go by. But if it was for relationships not just hook ups, I’d like it.
If you are Australian all ‘medications’ have a code on them whether they have been scientifically proven to do what the label says. Aust R - right on they’ll do what they say, Aust - L - loser no scientific proof. So yes some iron supplements work really well, others less so for example
Do you really need all that energy tomorrow, I mean really really?
Good job, look at you go :)
Was it a requirement by law? Obviously not as this seems to be an America thing. So why not change the laws and mandate antithetical devices in cats
Brush whilst the water is heating up means you’re doing your bit to help the environment! And other such half truths I tell myself to get through the day.