It’s a yearly tradition now, yeah?
It’s a yearly tradition now, yeah?
And this image is just a clever rehash of those 🤷
Ah, I was wondering how will lemmy make sure to talk about trump after the elections are over?
Yeah, right, by mentioning him and upvoting any mentioning of him in any sub on any topic.
This is a thread about UK and Czechia. Get the hell out with your American politics. Shove it faaaar up your ass and then walk like that till you reach reddit.
wtf, did you just do this whole cover for this simple post?
The diamonds you sometimes find on lemmy…
Let’s see, lemmy, let’s see if we can find one upvoted opinion against UBI.
Ah, no, we’re an echo chamber. But then what’s the point of AskLemmy, if you already know that everyone thinks the exact same way you do?
Let’s see, lemmy, let’s see if we can find one upvoted opinion against UBI.
Ah, no, we’re an echo chamber. But then what’s the point of AskLemmy, if you already know that everyone thinks the exact same way you do?
And exactly why, as an adult, can’t I vote for “no work on Fridays”? Why can’t I decide for myself as adult “I don’t want to spend money on universal healthcare, I want to spend it on weed, and if tomorrow I get cancer I’ll happily die, I’ll take that gamble”. Who are you, anon, to take that choice away from me and, who the f are you to dictate me how to responsibly live my life?
And if you think you know what’s best for me, or for whoever else voted for the “wrong for them” politician, then you’re simply against democracy. State this clearly “I know what’s best for people, and they don’t cuz they’re sheep trusting the wolf”.
And suddenly instead of being a resistance fighter you turn into a benevolent superior being whose help is somehow unappreciated. A very different picture in my opinion.
Again you’re wrong. It’s counted directly by the amount you watch and goes to the creators you watch.
Or, equivalently, pool all revenue, divide by watch time, get the same result.
You can verify this by constructing an excel table of 10 users (rows) and 3 channels (columns). Assign random % weights of “watch time” per user per channel. Assume a constant subscription fee of 1. Verify that a column_sum is the same as column_average*10, where 10 is the total platform revenue, as there are 10 users each paying 1.
You keep imagining some way how YT could get cheaper for you.
But in fact, ads are highly profitable, and if you buy a premium there’s a very transparent revenue share model. 70% of your money goes directly to the creators.
All your wishes are already fulfilled, you’re just poor and are trying to justify not paying with imagined arguments.
I beg your pardon, out of the 100 kids old enough to talk, 51 said this is the best kid to rule the kindergarten.
Based take.
that’s not how it works. That’s not how anything works!
Percentile of a variable != level of that percentile.
Or take a fuckin direct train from Geneva to Lausanne. Why would you ever drive this route?..
Or the government steps in and solves it. This is Europe, dummy.
Aren’t you, like, supposed to make sure the community is civilized and all?
Always happens in your dreams, lemmy, while your biggest political activism is “trump bad” memes.
In reality, your beloved democratic party are just a different flavor of a corporate bitch.
You need to work hard on starting grass-root movements all across the country to facilitate proper democracy and eventually allow for a civilized political discourse at the parliamentary level where the whole spectrum of opinions is presented representatively.
But, no, ofc “puuuurge elon tomorrow!”. And then back to watching YouTube on your couch.
and he’s left handed somehow. I wonder what’s going on here
So many words to explain how you literally have no clue about how the law works.
Just wait for the next elections to hit your country with a right-wing populism like a truck.
It’s the same shit all over the developed world. Looking down on people who are upset with the current system and the democracy itself.
Ok, lemmy crybabies. Me and my millennial friends all graduated from a university in Europe. None of us were born rich, but we’re all well-off now. By now everyone lives in different country, works in a different field, but literally everyone can afford a mortgage, a car, a ski trip, and maybe for their partner not to work for a few years if kids would be born.
Yet, imagine that, nobody really planned for their career to be lucrative. People just did what they thought was interesting and did it well. Only one dude was after money. He went into banking and now probably makes close to a mil annually.
I reiterate. All that was necessary for a financial success was to find an interesting job and do it with passion. To me this sounds like a communist dream.
And yet lemmy keeps telling me every day that it could only be possible if all of us were born rich, or sucked to corpos or whatever. You’re just a bunch of sore losers, lemmy.
Enjoy your holidays and think about your life choices.