The borders between all fifty states are tightening with increased border patrol style policing
Infractions that results in a vehicles being pulled over and the contents tossed that may lead to imprisonmemt include but are not limited to cannabis even though other states allow citizens to ignore federal laws, wrong skin color which includes tans, and now certain medical care trips across state lines are enough to wind up on the list of bagged/tagged citizens that are then used in free prison labor that corporations like McDonald’s and the like then exploit
The United States of America has turned into the The United Fifty Countries of America where each state has the power to ignore federal laws at will and state laws trump out everytime and where living wages and healthcare are nowhere to be found and no citizens carry the political power through voting to change anything and overfunded jackboots help keep the oligarchs in power by stomping the boots down on the populace
no he did not
he pardoned enough people that other people like you instantly placed him on sainthood status level ignoring the fact it was only a drop in the bucket and that Biden helped craft the laws that got people locked up to begin with
fuck Biden and the horse he rode in too