Already exist, it’s called hdr and almost all modern camera supports them. But they take more time.
Already exist, it’s called hdr and almost all modern camera supports them. But they take more time.
Probably airforce.
There are interviews with Ukrainian soldiers who said they stay away from civilians so that when Russians bombard them the civilians will not be affected.
I think the combat style and priorities are a bit different so a comparision cannot be made in this case.
It’s hard and expensive. The us-mexico border has the same problem and US spends like crazy to find tunnels. If the tunnel is bellow 5-10 meters I think it’s almost imposible [1]
In Gaza from what I heard they also only use hand tools to avoid making a lot of noise.
I manage to break 2 usb conectors in 1 year.
Israel os a Nazi state /s
It’s so simple when you can just say bullshit.
There have been concerts in war zones before(like ‘Screeam for me, Sarajevo’). And a small dance festival near an almost ‘peaceful’ border does not sound that bad.
Install mitmproxy and set the proxy settings to mitm. Maybe it will work.
Can confirm, I am syncer
Drivers from 3rd party. Didn’t work on phone development, but was part of a company that developed setup boxes.
We will get a kernel from broadcom with all the necessary drivers that was tested for that configuration. Updating was very hard without support and might cost a lot.
Can you use async in your project?
If Yes, you can spawn a task that will listen on a channel. If you need to run them in parallel probably you can find a mpmc channel.
If you need for them to run at a specific time, spawn task ,tokio::time::sleep , run job, loop.
Don’t know any crate just for this.
They had a lot of excellent scientists.
Fun fact, the math behind radar stealth was developed by a Russian scientists and was ignored in URSS because it had a shit title. US delayed translating it because they didn’t undersrand the title. After a few years somebody at lockeed marting found it and realized what it meant. I think F-117 was developed based on that.
There is one thing to not help a movie that you don’t agree with, and another to ban it. Apocalypse Now was made without the support of us military band was a success.
For comparision in the Genius of Carpathian Mountains’s country (Romania), everything had to pass censor’s.
Probably its just a snapshot at some point, with maybe downloading new stuff when its published. At least thisbis how i’d do it.
Will have more when the sun explodes.
I mostly write rust now, but this workflow was finetuned over years. Use 2 terminals each on a diferent monitor, one runs neovim and the other is for building/running. If the project is a bit more complex, I will run it in a docker container( maybe mount the /etc/shadow and frieds so all artefacts are created using the same user as in the outside) . Developed a bunch of tools over the years to optimise this:
At my old job had to work on a remote vm so I setup sshfs for a while, but was slow and just moved all my tools there.
I have a pattern where i put all my projects in ~/dev/<project><branch> and all info related to a task in ~/dev/<project>/bugs/<issue_nr>. This is usefull because I can have scripts the work similar for different projects with small changes. For example to run my binary with the config for a issue i just do
ndock <branch>
nr <issue nr>
This will start docker or connect to an existing one for that branch if available, compile the code, run my binary with the config present in the bug folder. In the last few month started running it with rr to be sure i can debug any random issue.
My grandfather had to buy dollars from a arab student(which was illegal), ga to the capital, find a foreigner who will agree to go into the special shop(which was only for party members and foreiners to enter) to by a JVC cassette player.
Yes, progress!
Separate subscription lists with its own feed. Like you can have one where you only subscribe to cats subreddits and will not appear in the main feed, but will apear in the cat feed.
Probably is a camera.