Can you imagine their horror as they watch stocks slip and make an alarming $12.50/hr like a “commoner”? Gasp! Even worse have to sleep in a 3star hotel.
Can you imagine their horror as they watch stocks slip and make an alarming $12.50/hr like a “commoner”? Gasp! Even worse have to sleep in a 3star hotel.
Imagine they show for this though…
I ignore mine. thump thump thump
Went on a tour of an airport (small international one). Security told us they get weird scares all the time. A guy had a paperweight novelty grenade in his bag. Crazy part was they knew him-he worked there for 30 years and had recently retired. Dude missed his flight and had to answer looooots of questions. FBI didn’t clear him for travel until a month later. They said it wasn’t a prank either, guy just didn’t think anything of it.
No sir, the proper song is Sweet Home Alabama. It’s our real anthem.
Not just meds. Patients with chronic pain are expected to take painkillers for treatment but omg if the doctor prescribes therapy deny that shit. Even though therapy helps faaaar better than medications for chronic pain sufferers.
Watch the Postal movie for a real wtf humor/horror experience. I enjoyed it, but it’s a sensitivity PR nightmare.
Federally legal. I didn’t realize it but like 14 states outlaw them and others have prohibitions on parts of them. Honestly, I’m impressed it didn’t break. The idea of making one makes me nervous over safety. I haven’t even been brave enough to print a stock or foreguard simply out of concern. I also don’t trust aluminum casings (if a shell splits it’s likely damaging the barrel or receiver).
I always wondered about WitSec. How long does the protection last? After trial, then what?
Conviction is required, and the informant needs formal recognition by the FBI as a recognized informant first. Karen just called 911, forfeiting the reward.
Looooong list of punchable people in the US atm.
Consider a foldup bluetooth keyboard, and your phone. All pocket size, and faster.
Look around man. Half the country drank lead ladened koolaid and became drooling, hate-filled sycophants. The other half fought for keeping people safe and still 15million of that portion were apathetic to the cause.
Same as the Companies are People bs. They’re people when it comes to bribing politicians, but they have money and are not responsible for evils committed by their companies.
Gotta stop voter fraud, by letting those who commit election interference and believe the system is compromised to control it. No way that could go wrong.
Ah yes, socialist practices… look how evil it is… taking care of others.
Cool, they got a useless law to “protect” children. Where is the law that protects them in churches/camps/etc?
Trump’s tracking: Golf, golf, McDs, court, golf, golf, court, Mcds, McDs, McDs, golf…
I think they are accepting of themselves and only thmselves so long as their selfishness is to benefit. For sure though, the act of leading people with racist rhetoric is as bad or even worse than racism itself.
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