Agree. I don’t care about Trump’s second term since I’m not a US citizen but I’m worried about the trend of money buying everything. Recent events have shown that billionaires don’t need to pretend to care about society. They can just join a political party and use their money to do whatever they want.
Musk supporting AfD is just him proving his power. He could not care less about Germans or even Tesla. As much fun as seeing Trump having to clarify that he’s the president, it’s a really bad trend that in this age of media content and AI, it’s easier than ever to influence any society.
I’m pretty sure DeepSeek will play in this direction: give free AI with “PRC influence” to everyone, and when repeatedly enough time, people will believe what they’re told.
This study failed to take into consideration the need to feed information to AI. Companies now prioritize feeding information to AI over actually making it usable for humans. Who cares about analyzing the data? Just give it to AI to figure out. Now data cannot be analyzed by humans? Just ask AI. It can’t figure out? Give it more so it can figure it out. Rinse, repeat. This is a race to the bottom where information is useless to humans.
If the price I saw when I picked an item is different to what I pay at the counter, I’ll never be back at that place again, even if it means I’m paying less.
Translate the Commandments to Arabic and display them to see the world burn.
Where I live, newspapers come with a separate detached portion that are all ads. With your logic, I’m obligated to have to read them too and not just throw them out?
Another translation of OP’s opinion: walking on the street without looking at storefronts is unfair. Stores pay a substantial rent to be there and a lot of money to renovate and pay people to put up stuff for you to look at. Anyone not looking at these store fronts are robbing people of their money. There should be traffic stops where people have to describe exactly the location, size and content of every ads on the street. Failing to do so should be punished by law.
It depends I think. I found Chrome to be a tiny bit faster but then ads bogged the page down so most of the time, Firefox is faster for me.
In some very rare cases when I need to disable ads blocking, Chrome is indeed faster but I’d rather abandon websites rather than disable ads blocking.
So if you love ads, Chrome is better. If you hate ads like I do, Firefox is miles ahead.
I use Firefox everywhere which means I have ads blocking everywhere, including and especially on Android. All my tabs are synced and are easily transferred between devices.
My experience with maintaining open source projects (though mine are very much smaller) is that it’s quite similar to a business: you just have to deal with stakeholders and people who think they are stakeholders.
I had all the same experience at work:
Some unknown person from an unrelated team contacted me because something that my team does not manage broke. I tried to help a few times and I suddenly became their personal IT support team.
Another time someone not even working at my company demanded that I drop everything and fix their problem, because my name appeared in 3rd parties libraries.
It’s sad that open source authors don’t always receive the recognition that they deserve.
Thank you for your compliment. I love it. The floppy disk is 1.44 non-freedom MB, not 0.015264 miles of CD drives.
I would suggest:
PS: just to be clear, I meant CD drives, not CD discs.
Internet connection required at all times? No thanks
RoR is too much magic for me. Getting started with any new code base is such a pain that I never want to do again. As a manager, I’ll avoid any job post that mentions Ruby. I have maintained projects written in Delphi, Centura, Java, C#, PHP and none of them even come close to the pain of RoR. Java and C# are notorious for ceremonial interfaces but that’s nothing compared to trying to figure out RoR automagics.
Jerusalem: Jewish invader movement makes plan to steal large slice of Armenian quarter
I regret looking up the clip:
Sorry to say to my UK friends, it looks like these people have no manners when it comes to debating. Asking a question and then proceeded to shout over them. I’m surprised they still have viewers.
Epic wanted exclusives by pulling games from other platforms. I will never spend a single cent on Epic Games. I’m happy to spend it on Steam, especially games that I have pirated before (Commandos series for example) or indie games (Banished anyone?).
For bigger games such as Civilians, I’ll purchase it on Steam and then pirate so I don’t need to run Steam. I am a big fan of patches to remove the intro screen.
It is compulsory for all Israelis to do military service. In a way, some civilians in the concert are also soldiers. I have no idea how I would look at it but let’s not exclude the military service.
What if 5G radio wave is there to push vaccines hidden in sunscreen into our body? /s
Good relationships go both ways. It’s pointless to be friendly to an abusive partner. It’s not just Russia but the US as well now.