I completely forgot about info.
I completely forgot about info.
I don’t even use swap anymore. 32gb of ram ought to be enough.
The key word to be searching for is “ungrab” mouse. here is a stackexchange on this.. On some systems ctrl-alt-/(on keypad) might work, but that is often disabled for security.
Cue “what you are calling Linux is actually” copypasta
Back when it worked, you just needed to disable the e cores in the bios.
The worst is that if the ‘wheel’ group is empty, it will give a root shell to absolutely anyone.
It’s not like any place on the internet is all that friendly once it grows more than a couple dozen people.
What are the arch forums?
I have no experience with this, but did some googling. The AMD ROCm installer instructions for Ubuntu are here. You need ROCm for HIP. That installs the entire SDK not just the runtime.
The Arch Wiki says you just need the package hip-runtime-amd. But I can’t find that package for Ubuntu.
There are also HIP installation instructions for PopOS. That’s similar to Ubuntu.
echo $(($(rdmsr -c 0xc0011029) & (1<<9) ))
Should return 512. You might need a ‘sudo’ before the rdmsr (any permission errors in any of this means it didn’t work). Unfortunately, this needs to be done every time you reboot. The next security update for linux will do this automatically.
I wonder if he knows about the game Xcom
He really did buy it just to delete it.
It might be cool to have a good news only instance. But they’d have to defederate everyone.
“Hey Bob, we need you to make an icon so ugly, people will pay to use something else.”
Ditching am5 in 2026 would be disappointing. Especially with how expensive am5 boards are. I bet there won’t even be any technical reason for it like we had with a new ddr version.
They said they are replacing it with something else. I believe more money will be directly involved.
Don’t update the firmware. In 2022 they released firmware that blocks non genuine toner.
But getting permission from the government for the bot to write prescriptions will be as difficult as the government decides it will be.
UTF-32 is completely fair.