Florida is crazy far west, compared to where I expect. It’s due south of Ohio.
Florida is crazy far west, compared to where I expect. It’s due south of Ohio.
Thanks for posting this. It was not intuitive to me, and it took me a minute to figure out where to log out of the app, but it worked.
Which are you referring to? Some like murder are pretty reliable.
For some of these I’m like “more info pls” but I am glad you left it at “lathe accident.”
Do you not like my lobster?!
There are in some places. In red states, legislators are doing their damnedest to prevent municipalities from enacting those laws.
I think Harkonnen from David Lynch’s Dune.
I rock an A42 and have zero complaints, I assume the 54 is similar.
The reason is probably “raking is work.” I see this shit all the time in Florida, where we really need more shade trees.
I just use Google podcasts. It’s simple, it works, hail corporate.
Nah, addiction plagues the well and the poorly educated. I was acquainted with a couple of Nobel prize winners who smoked like chimneys.
Yeah turning in general seems to do relatively well for a number of folks. Bowls and pepper mills and all those seem to sell at craft fairs.
Man, I keep forgetting to listen to that album, thanks for the reminder.
I didn’t know anything about IBLP, so it was pretty eye opening in that regard. I would have liked them to be a bit more thoughtful about the extent to which it’s really a cult, and fix some hard numbers on how many people participate and how many have left. And I never, ever need to see them prepping interviewee hair.
Are ads forbidden?
Ah, nice. Sometimes my whole bottom bar disappears though!
Lol, I can’t even find the lines on android.