I think grammatically they meant you could also get your face revoked, leading into the following sentence of being shot down.
I think grammatically they meant you could also get your face revoked, leading into the following sentence of being shot down.
Samsung SSDs are quite competitive on pricing these days. I saw some on Newegg.ca for under CAD$250 for 2TB which is pretty good.
When you’re looking, just keep in mind the requirements from Sony, mainly sizing because it would suck to buy something that doesn’t fit. Pay special attention to dimensions if you decide to go with a heatsinked stick.
Surprisingly, yes. I made some risky decisions between 2020-2022 that paid off significantly, though.
The pandemic turned my prior job to 100% remote and I got in writing from their HR that I could move anywhere in my province. This allowed me to find a house I was able to afford buying, so that’s what I did with the support of my wife. About a year after that I got a much higher paying job local to my new home, which is when I beat or matched my parent’s income at the time which certainly was more than when she was my age.
I lept into the unknown and didn’t die, it’s been great!
3D printer’s on the fritz, eh?
Psilocybin is the bees knees, highly recommend. Not even in a “get chooched” kinda way either. Use a little to make a tea and just exist after drinking it.
Do something safe that requires concentration, like drawing, writing or playing an adventure video game (light on the action, no horror, really as little violence as possible). You could also straight up do nothing but exercise mindfulness with a long meditation.
If you’re worried about the legality or safety of acquiring it, use a prepaid credit that you buy with cash and order it online.
Microdosing is also totally reasonable, bearing in mind that there are stains just like there are with weed. Some will do a body buzz, some will boost your energy and some will boost mindfulness.
I just don’t know what to do with my hands most of the time and sometimes shoulder pain…
Ya, apparently a hairnet and gloves were enough even though other employees were in full smocks and aprons. It was weird.
From the valve to the tip of the nozzle still holds gas that hasn’t let go yet. Just like when you pour water from a cup, there’s still water left gripping the cup that can condense into larger droplets and drip out as soon as you put it back in your pants, unless you shake it a few times first.
I worked at one those “we’ll make you custom chocolates and candies with your branding on them” candy factories in college and it was about on the same level. Not bad but not worthy of “the best in the world”.
On a side note, the micromints were the best product but worst to make. Absolutely covered in powdered sugar walking home in humid summer weather suuuucked. They really should have given me a smock to wear instead of me being in my street clothes.
I had a feastables given to me and I can honestly say it was not the best chocolate bar I’ve ever had. It was pretty average.
That’s our scramble man!
I don’t really need all the fluff that Plex has but the only thing holding me back is no PS5 support.
Transition my main host to Linux, maybe Plex to Jellyfin, setup a switch (have an RS900 and access to acquire a free CS2960), a UPS or two. I may also wind up getting my hands on some PoE cameras and APs. Run some cable too.
Totally understandable reaction, that would be awful. A really solid choice, in my opinion, for BBQ is Carolina Mustard if you decide to try the various styles. Even in the Dijon style there’s bold, smokey, honey, sweet n spicy. There are other whole mustard seed varieties used as cracker toppings too. It’s pretty wild thinking about it actually.
Have you tried much of the mustard spectrum? There’s all sorts beyond the standard yellow. Sweet, spicy, savory, smokey, smooth, chunky, combinations, the list really goes on. Mustard is incredibly diverse.
It was wild, would buy milk and a couple days later it was chunky. Fridge always felt cool. When the veggies started spoiling on a similar time scale we decided it was best to replace, thankfully had a solid landlord.
The next time I had a bad fridge it would freeze things randomly. Milk and lettuce would freeze, but stuff next to it was fine. Figured it was haunted, bought a new one as at this point I was my own landlord.
Moral of the story, refrigerant leaks are no joke and can do weird shit.
Had this start happening and got a new fridge, didn’t happen anymore. Do your veggies also spoil quickly? If so, your fridge likely be bork.
Bartok! Bartok! Bartok! Bartok!
Lightning bugs, aka Fireflies, are harmless. Their little butts just emit flashes of light from internal chemical reaction, like a short lived glow stick. If you encounter a field with a bunch of them, it’s real pretty.