The federal government owns a ridiculous amount of land.
The federal government owns a ridiculous amount of land.
People who look at timestamped data would notice immediately. Server logs, transaction logs, etc would all be missing a minute’s worth of data. Things that take a known amount of time would not be completed on time. Trains would be late, burritos would be under-microwaved, satellites would be in unexpected positions, etc. So some people would notice instantly, some may not notice at all.
Nah in 2009 those sites were telling you to use Internet Explorer.
What show is that?
OpenAI’s Yahoo! moment. In a decade it’ll be worthless.
If it’s God’s eye and Jesus’s wheel, then who does this shift stick belong to?
I’ll take your pennies!
bimanual /bī-măn′yoo͞-əl/
Using or requiring the use of both hands.
Involving or using both hands.
You’re making ME feel old. I remember having to go over my friend’s house to play multiplayer.
This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion, but here it is anyway. If it doesn’t come off with dish detergent and a scrub sponge, just call it a permanent seasoning and let it be. If scrubbing it like mad won’t make it come off, then it won’t come off if your food touches it.
Maybe you’re picking up on how sound is bouncing off the object, kind of like a really weak form of echolocation, and your brain doesn’t know how else to present that information other than to give you a visual.
Hey, I feel your pain. Tall guys need bigger cars. I don’t know what circumstances led to you being stuck in a car that doesn’t fit you but I’ve been there too. I hope you find yourself in something more suitable in the near future. I was able to finally get into a vehicle I’m comfortable in a few years ago and it’s life changing. I’m driving an Expedition.
How does she even get her pants on?
Ariana Piccolo
Honestly I print out anything my little kiddo does at school on his Chromebook, and some stuff has black backgrounds. I got tired of wasting toner so I made a script that would print a negative screenshot if it’s a dark image. One keystroke and I get what I want
If someone started a blog site called “Tumbler” or a gay dating app called “Grinder” you could totally understand the conflict, couldn’t you. Listen, I went through this. I started a site whose name had a word that was similar to a famous trademark, and got a very similar cease and desist letter. I chose to change the name, and be candid about it, and I’ve been successful with it ever since. Just my $0.02, but I’d choose a new name you like and then register and trademark it like I did.
When I press Super + PrtSc, a bash script performs the following:
Takes a screenshot of the entire desktop (import -window root) and saves it as ~/screenshot.png…
Analyzes the screenshot to calculate the “mean brightness” value of the image. It converts the image to grayscale and determines the average pixel brightness (a value between 0 and 1, where 0 is black and 1 is white).
Checks if the image is dark by comparing the mean brightness to a threshold of 0.2. If the mean brightness is less than 0.2 (i.e., the image is very dark), it applies a negative filter to the image (convert -negate), effectively inverting the colors (black becomes white and vice versa).
Sends the image to a printer (lp command) named MF741C-743C for printing.
What’s hunter2?