Er, what is this more specifically?
Canadian-American software developer living in Japan since 2015. Into gardening, DIY, permaculture, etc.
Er, what is this more specifically?
Torchlight 2 should scratch that itch. To me, Path of Exile is something the Diablo series could have been but wasn’t exactly? Though I haven’t played it in a number of years, so I may be mis-remembering exactly what it was like. I seem to think it was more like a point-and-click RPG with kinda Diablo-like combat.
If it has EA as only the publisher, I might buy it later on sale. But if it’s first-party within EA, nah. Take-Two is actually the same for me these days. I won’t touch Blizzard-Activision anymore either (which is sad because I bought Warcraft and Starcraft when they came out originally and would play over modem with my buddies).
No. I do have aphantasia, but that’s the only thing that jumps out to me as weird (in this situation; I’m plenty weird in other ways).
Maybe because I don’t “see” images or have a mind’s eye in the same way other people describe it, things work a bit differently. I still do dream vividly and visually, at least so far as I can tell.
A first-person, single-player AAA shooter could be exactly my cuppa. However, there’d be zero chance I’m buying a game from EA so there’s that.
This makes things like reading difficult or impossible. Unfortunately it also makes remembering to try reading just as hard.
I must be weird, but I can read in my dreams (and tell time, etc.)
read it from left to right like a language
A number of languages are not left-to-right, BTW.
Well, that can’t be right; they didn’t make anything after SC2k… (bring back archologies!)
I’ve accidentally been accused of staring before. I tend to space out and not even focus my eyes, but it can look like I’m staring. That said, yeah, it’s not great. I’m a white guy who’s frequently in rural parts of Japan and can get stared at sometimes. Moreso if my tattoos are visible, but that’s due to their negative stigma still here (I only have a few on my arms).
Ignoring domestic terrorism, an outside attack to me seems most likely in terms of cyberattacks on weak infrastructure (utilities, signals, etc.)
I will continue not using it. I was interested in Oculus until they sold to FB and then I nope’d right out of that. I really did think VR was neat, but various things kept me from pulling the trigger. If it becomes the only way to use chunks of the internet, I just won’t use them; I grew up still in the analog world (though we did have BBS and very early dial-up in the '80s), and I could go back to it. I’d honestly miss educational content more than anything else, but I can get books. In my lifetime, that strategy would probably still work fine.
A lot of Japan does this, actually.
In Japan, you can be on the hook (sued) for knowingly engaging in a relationship with someone you know to be married. It’s usually about breaking up the marriage, from what I understand. Sex of the people involved doesn’t matter here.
Japan does not grant citizenship to those born here. There are multiple ways to acquire Japanese citizenship, most of which are based on the most recent couple generations of parents/grandparents. Multiple citizenship technically isn’t allowed, either. Anyone naturalizing to Japanese citizenship must relinquish their existing citizenship(s) unless the other country does not allow relinquishing. If found out, the Japanese government can take action to revoke citizenship (or at least parts of it; there are actually court cases about this).
What do the terms of use and privacy policies say? Who’s paying for the servers and what are they getting out of it? Also, since your data is federated, what happens when it hits a server with any different policies (or who may be in violation of the license of the software itself, but is getting no enforcement)?
If you are not paying for some service, you and your data are almost certainly the product. It was true then, it’s still true today.
It’s dangerous to anyone directly by it as it happens and in the form of pumice rafts if any where created, but that’s about it.
Depending upon the composition and how much material gets built up, it will likely erode away fairly quickly and may pose a hazard when not visible but still just under the waves or something.
They were updated as you requested. You did not ask for a loading functionality. Please open a new feature request.
There are still all kinds of things a company can do to mitigate at least some of this. New browser, new location, forced two-factor auth, etc.
I mean, if you change it to “if Bob murdered a guy in cold blood (i.e. not defense, etc.) and no one was looking, did Bob break the law?” The answer to me wouldn’t be anything but yes.
Just because the offense is different or you don’t agree with it doesn’t change that in my eyes. It generally doesn’t change it in the eyes of the law, either. Always campaign against laws you think are bullshit. If enough people do, you might be able to do something about it.