I love how much the French don’t fuck around
I love how much the French don’t fuck around
I’m of the opinion that the alleged billionaire with his own cryptocurrency and publicly traded tech company should be able to afford a security guy.
Why not just hire cyber ninjas?
He should pull the plug on the iron dome
I dunno how to break this to you, but you’ve got bedbugs
I like how homie to the right of Trump is reloading his finger gun
Please get fucking vaccinated
I call bullshit.
I’ll just side load it. Fuck you Google
I hate the anti-pattern of “Not Now”. How about “No”?
Search was solved in 1998.
How’s about you do something about carbon emissions, fatal disease research, or food accessibility?
Maybe it’s because the Cybertruck is a piece of shit, and so is Elon
Wait until you see what Misty says about her Pokemon
It’s a gender reveal
Their job now is to serve governments surveillance data.
Their job now is to serve governments surveillance data.
Wouldn’t this be a great opportunity to flood that hashtag with content that talks about project 2025? Or the Epstein list?
Honey, I live to be extra.
I’d argue that email is as useful as regular mail. I get about 2 letters a year written by a person. The rest is bills and marketing.
Email is basically a central notification hub for users, and I’d much prefer that than having to log into each specific app to be notified of things.
Even if he did, SCOTUS just ruled he would be immune to prosecution.
BREAKING: Microsoft is still shitty