Wow. This comments section reads like 50 various versions of Colin Robinson, all swarming on this very post. Every single one of them finding a way to be more pedantic or curmudgeonly than the other.
Wow. This comments section reads like 50 various versions of Colin Robinson, all swarming on this very post. Every single one of them finding a way to be more pedantic or curmudgeonly than the other.
I have over 1500 cumulative hours invested in No Man’s Sky and Minecraft respectively. I am a casual gamer. I started playing Minecraft in 2012 and NMS in 2017.
Never get into Modular Synthesizers.
Some email services will let you append arbitrary strings to the end of your email address with a +. Whenever a sales associate asks for my email to sign up for discounts, I give them I love the looks I get for that.
I suppose it depends on your tastes, but I read Pitchfork reviews and check out the artits on Spotify. I do not limit my tastes to one genre, so that makes it more interesting when exploring. I’ll also leverage the Related Artists section of an artist’s page if I find a new artist that I like.
I have been laid off from every job (5 in total) since the pandemic. We are a subhuman commodity. Companies that are hiring now are exploiting the market by offering lower salaries.
Meta and Amazon are in their hiring season and they’ll start their layoffs again next spring or summer. And somehow, everyone forgets this fucked up cycle keeps happening in perpetuum.
We need to stop being afraid of mentioning the U word. We need better protection and rights as employees.
Engineering is a skilled trade. We need our own union like every other skilled labor group.
It’s a shame that they won’t just release macOS as a standalone product, even if it requires specific hardware to run. I would pay for it in a heartbeat.
I was actively into the Hackintosh scene in the early 10s. You could have an insanely powerful build (albeit the parts had to be compatible), and it would still be half the price of a lower end Mac Pro.
Have you tried VPN?
That’s by design. uBlock is blocking ad and spyware network requests. It’s common for sites to crash or error because of this. They’ll depend on a call to Google or Sentry or DataDog to succeed before continuing with their initialization. As a platform engineer for several web properties, I die a little inside every time I see this happen.
My work blocks all kinds random software, Firefox included. My workaround is using Brave browser and a service like NextDNS either as an app or as the DNS provider for my home network. It’s not perfect but it’s flexible enough.
As far as celebrities go: The dad from the “Dad, How Do I” YouTube series.
Maybe not exactly what you’re looking for, but If we’re talking meaningful people for your child to look up to, find an IRL male who has good morals and an open mind. They make great role models. If you’re a decent parent, that should be you.
Memory recall is the worst for me. Long-term or short-term, cognitive; all bad.