Cajun seasoning will likely consist of paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, oregano, cayenne, salt, and pepper. I’ll toss some cumin in there too, mostly because I toss cumin in anything I can.
Cajun seasoning will likely consist of paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, oregano, cayenne, salt, and pepper. I’ll toss some cumin in there too, mostly because I toss cumin in anything I can.
Don’t worry bro, if we make a terribly designed system that directly benefits our bottom line, we will totally fix it and make it fair. Trust us.
You should consider actually reading the posts you are replying to.
Yeah, the lightning connector is really great for being a reliable connection for a long period of time. If Apple had just made it an open standard that everyone could use, it would likely be the dominant connector today. At least, so long as some improvements could be made to data transfer and charging rates.
The only way that USB-C is better than lightning is all the things that a cable does
Begone Apple shill!
September 12th for the new iPhone.
An emoji or two are fine, but this abomination straight up reduces readability of the stories. Honestly makes me think it’s made up by a 10 year old.
My understanding is that the ‘humans’ of The Culture are a genetic melange of several different, but similar species who decided to merge with one another. They essentially chose the best genetic traits of each species and ran with those. It should be noted that Earth is not a part of The Culture, if it matters to OP that the humans in the story are Earthlings or not.
This is absolutely the right take on The Culture.
Holy shit Yatzee is still at it? Good for him.
But to know for sure we’d need statistics which we don’t have.
Precisely my point.
It’s basically just a really elaborate angry comment on a SanDisk SSD. Sucks that you lots your data, but it’s a single failure that could happen to basically any drive. Back up what you care about. Absolute waste of time ‘article.’
Only appreciating the big flashy outcomes of science is exactly how you end up with no science funding. Iterating and improving something is important work that should be applauded.
No, I’ve never heard of it. Thanks for the suggestion!
Honest to god doublethink right here.
Party-based RPGs like Baldur’s Gate or Pillars of Eternity. I absolutely love this style of game, but it feels like there are precious few titles to choose from. Anyone know of any hidden gems?
I contend that there are more games out there now that are made for the sake of making them than ever before. It’s just that fewer and fewer of these games are AAA titles. The indy scene is really what are making these games nowadays.
There are certainly many games that shouldn’t have limited inventories that have them, but I also think there are many games for which a limited inventory enhance the game. I do enjoy games that make me make decisions about what I want to take with me and budget my inventory space when it makes sense.
The early God of War games were so unbelievably brutal for these. On harder difficulties, I would often master a boss only to have to retry it again a few more times because the quick time events to actually finish them off would be kicking my ass.
I wonder what the reaction will be from the companies hiring Google’s advertising services. On the one hand, Google is clearly ensuring that they get as much money out of the deal as possible, but it also must lead to more people seeing the advertised brand, likely even encouraging it’s sales. The author suggests that this is a bad deal for companies working with Google, as well as Google’s users, but I can’t help but think that the companies purchasing ads from Google are coming out ahead on this one.