I mean they already show ads when you pause. It’s just a tiny jump further to play video ads when you pause.
I mean they already show ads when you pause. It’s just a tiny jump further to play video ads when you pause.
Nah I like the term recall. Just because the fix is “easy” doesn’t mean the product wasn’t broken. Automakers should take the software in their cars seriously especially the ones that market their cars like a cell phone.
They pay for access to yandex’s indexes to help provide their search product. Whether you consider that “funneling money to the Kremlin” or not is up to you.
The two party System is more a consequence of first past the post than the system they are voted into.
If you look at Canada as an example in the last 30 years the parties on the right have amalgamated and have been rewarded for it as the vote splitting on the left is what gets them elected. It’s just a matter of time until the left follow suit and then 🎉 two party system.
I think this is just the US returning to its pre super power roots. More and more it seems like the last 80 years were seen exception and now they are returning back to where they were before the world wars.
I think if COVID was leaving people paralyzed it would never have been what it became. The fallout from COVID was bad but maybe not bad enough.
I mean if you asked me what Pinocchio’s father’s name was I would have said Geppetto
I mean the wiki is never a bad place to start https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_Syrian_civil_war_(January–October_2024)
So recently our local government relaxed the rules on sports betting / advertising. It’s now everywhere. When you go to see our local MLB team the stadium is coated in bright LEDs advertising bet dot com.
Hardware takes a long time to change.
A temporary patch while we wait for hardware is the way to go.
Nothing is more permanent than a temporary fix.
They already fixed it in software we don’t need to prioritize the hardware fix.
Endeavoros is approachable.
Yeah they are not perfect but still objectivity better.
There is an ISO somewhere that sets out color blind colors for accessibility.
There already is a system in place they are just being cheap.
Every container coke comes in could be made of aluminum one of the most recyclable and reusable metals we have.
It isn’t really captive.
People are rapidly moving away from laptop/desktop computers and applications now a days are predominantly web based which means people can use anything that runs Chrome.
I wonder how Stevie Wonder did it.
Gasoline prices in the US are very low. Your cost is likely double or triple the price per liter.
Didn’t the first Gen leafs have absolutely terrible battery quality such that they were junked in just a couple years?
People who don’t call the tech LLM and just refer to it by AI, that’s who
Looks more like some pre 1942 American skeletons, or perhaps some post 2016 American skeletons.