spikes, wool, layered clothing, reflective vest or other reflective gear…
spikes, wool, layered clothing, reflective vest or other reflective gear…
Make smallpox great again!
Interesting, but I wonder what they break it down to. Is it completely broken down or do they shit nanoplastics?
They have stopped doing that in Norway, at least here. Not sure if it was a corona effect or if they thought it wasnt worth it in terms of customers either shopping somewhere else or shopping less because they take a small shopping basket instead.
Economics is a tool, and yes of course you can get different conclusions based on different assumptions. Doesn’t mean economics is bad, just means it is being used in different ways and for different purposes. Same with statistics. assumpsions are important.
Whut. Chaged my bathroom sink not long ago and it definitely loosens to the left/counter clock. Norway.
Damn, that got me a little hard and I’m not even american
Sooo you’re saying it’s understandable for someone with a PhD to not have basic common knowledge?
Now do one for medals per human rights violation
30% would not know who Harris nor Hitler is.
Because people get dopamine from shopping, even if it’s garbage. It causes enormous amounts of waste, because most of the crap isn’t used much if at all. They just make it look good on the product page.
If I wanted garbage I could get it for free from the roadside
Horse funerals are not a joke, Jim!
AI of course, the solution to everything these days.
Yes I had something similar happen
Also reindeer
As long as the temperature inside remains constant, as much cold leaks out as is transported inside. So the only residual heating outside would be from inefficiensies in the system, not the moving process itself.
I also know the brach manager of my bank by name. It’s cause I work there tho…
Are you talking about mourning wood?