Ahh it’s good to see the US has regained its ‘punchline of the internet’ title after a short four-year return to merely being an embarrassing anecdote.
Yes. Am not robot.
Ahh it’s good to see the US has regained its ‘punchline of the internet’ title after a short four-year return to merely being an embarrassing anecdote.
Now if the phoenix had a link to someone named Jones we’d really have something here.
I don’t have a problem with open lobbying per se. If it’s on behalf of all of the workers and customers as well and not just their own interests.
But can anyone identify such a billionaire?
And by definition that rules out any that step on their workers like bugs…
You don’t. But you also don’t know it isn’t. And if there was chemical processing involved it could be.
And my partner and I quote it often. It’s old enough that it’s almost a secret language.
And ‘boss Nox’ in SG-1
(Yes the character probably had a name. No I don’t remember it)
Thanks. I hate it.
No need for a magic setting. Brightness control is all in one place.
Trump’s peace promises…
You can’t have conflict if only one side survives…
I’d like to think Trump & Co don’t think that way.
I’d like to.
It’s open source. If manners are an important feature to you perhaps look into contributing… :)
“I accepted all of the bytes you gave me. I didn’t do anything with them, but I accept you gave them to me”.
Oh no!
(Apparently I’m too antisocial for FB)
Sheepdog trials. Though mostly it’s about making things go through the gates.
Cheeky little @+#_$. I hate yo-
Ooh squirrel!
Well not this one obviously. I just don’t want to give the impression that pylons aren’t safe.
I had the ZX80. It was terrible.
Rainbow Warrior means something quite different in NZ.
So all of you living-rough, dumpster-diving, skipping medications, holding down three jobs, etc - what do your therapist say?
Oh wait, how much does this therapy cost again… But I’m sure there’s no selection bias.
Thankfully that’s not the case here in NZ. Otherwise the rather popular mince-n-cheese pie would be weird.
Today, ‘mincemeat’ as a term by itself, is unusual. It’s usually either just ‘mince’ (meat) or ‘fruit-mince’ (not meat).
Name any medium in which people can anonymously contribute, where toxicity isn’t present ‘sometimes’.