I really don’t understand why money is so much more important to these people than not fucking over the environment.
But I guess you don’t get stinking rich by thinking about anything other than money. The concept of a wider world must really be foreign to these cunts.
Maybe a few more assassins are in order.
Probably influenced by the enormous amount of money oil barons spent on him, of which they almost certainly did with an expectation of return on investment.
His desire to “Drill baby drill!” and relax restrictions on oil drilling—including drilling into a wilderness reserve previously uninterrupted by man—and his apparent distaste for EVs and green energy, makes it pretty obvious whose hand has firmly lodged itself right up his arsehole.
The man needs oil to sell to please his owners, and belligerently trying to force the EU to increase their purchases is just another one of his hare-brained schemes.