Hey, I saw this ping, but I didn’t actually get any message from you about CORS headers. Where did you contact me?
Hey folks! I’m responsible for servers at lemm.ee.
For general lemm.ee policy/admin/moderation topics, please contact @EllaSpiggins@lemm.ee
Hey, I saw this ping, but I didn’t actually get any message from you about CORS headers. Where did you contact me?
I think there are two separate things I want to address here:
First, agile isn’t a project management methodology, it’s just a set of 4 abstract priorities and 12 abstract principles. It’s very short, you can check it out here:
Nothing here says that you’re not allowed to write documentation, write down requirements, etc. In fact, the principles encourage you yourself as a software team to create the exact processes and documentation that you need in order to meet your goals.
“Working software over comprehensive documentation” does not mean you aren’t allowed to have documentation, it just means that you should only write documentation if it helps you build working software, rather than writing documentation for the sake of bureaucracy.
“Individuals and interactions over processes and tools” does not mean that you should have no processes, it just means that the individuals in your team should be empowered to collaboratively create whatever processes you need to deliver good software.
Secondly, in terms of practical advice:
a. You have metrics about how your system is used.
b. You have automated tests covering any requirements, so that you can feel confident when making changes to one part of the system that it isn’t violating any unrelated requirements.
c. You actually document any confusing parts in the code itself using comments. The most important thing to cover in comments is “why is this logic necessary?” - whenever something is confusing, you need to answer this question with a comment. Otherwise, the system becomes very annoying to change later on.
If you are missing any of the above, then propose to your team that you start doing it ASAP
It’s the first option in the dropdown:
Big thanks to all maintainers and contributors!
That’s true, it will only show content which has been federated to lemm.ee, so indeed if you want to search for more content than is available on your instance, you would need some additional tools for that.
I’m a simple man:
“What day is it?” asked Pooh.
“It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.
“My favorite day,” said Pooh.
Should work just fine for posts and comments as well, for example, here’s a search result containing your comment
The built-in search feature is actually quite decent I find, is it not working well for you?
For context I use all of these daily: Linux (servers + handheld gaming), Windows (gaming), Mac OS (work & general purpose). I used one of the first iPhones around 2008, then exclusively Android for 10 years, and then back to iPhones.
Iphone users of Lemmy, people say not to trust you on tech insights.
IMO, these “people” with such takes are the only ones who shouldn’t be trusted on tech insights here :P
The sad fact is that some people keep constantly spreading false rumors about Lemmy devs not working on mod tools. Anybody can just take a few minutes and go through the past Lemmy updates in this community to see that moderation improvements are basically worked on constantly (and this is not some recent change either). But there are plenty of users who never bother to actually check this, and so the rumors keep spreading.
Obviously being instance-banned won’t prevent you from commenting on their posts, it just won’t get federated to that instance
I am actually working on fixing this right now, so that in the future, users would be prevented from commenting in this situation
Awesome work!
Do you have an idea yet for the timeline of the 0.19.4 release?
On 0.19.3, you can:
)If I have several backends that more or less depend on each other anyway (for example: Lemmy + pict-rs), then I will create separate databases for them within a single postgres - reason being, if something bad happens to the database for one of them, then it affects the other one as well anyway, so there isn’t much to gain from isolating the databases.
Conversely, for completely unrelated services, I will always set up separate postgres instances, for full isolation.
I love the idea of Matrix, but I’m so done with Element on my phone telling me it is “Syncing…” for two minutes, only to end up with 1 new message in 1 channel… 😅
Interesting project! Can you explain the vision a bit more - I understand that every instance can have their own version of an article, but how would a user know which version of an article is most relevant to them to read (and maybe even contribute to)?
Sorry if you were just making a joke, my sarcasm detector is not really working anymore (/s at the end would help). But if not, this comment really perfectly captures the entitlement in open source.
Now imagine you spend months (or even years) of your free time to build something for people to use freely, and the result is that you get endless comments from random strangers, telling you that you work for them and that you need to respect and be grateful to them. I honestly am impressed that open source still exists at all at this point.
I just want to add a counter-point to the argument that Lemmy devs are somehow opposed to contributions. In my experience, there has been no resistance to contributing any type of change (I have personally added niche features for running Lemmy in a distributed manner, optimizations, bug fixes, etc). In fact I would claim the complete opposite - I have received plenty of support and good code reviews from maintainers whenever I have wanted to contribute anything.
I think there is truth to the claim that Lemmy maintainers don’t have a lot of patience for people making demands and snarky comments, but that is very different from being opposed to contributions. Also, after running a big instance for a while now, I completely understand this lack of patience - when some of your users just keep being rude to you, it wears down your patience. It’s easy to patiently and kindly respond to the first 100 rude users, but at some point after that, it just becomes gradually more mentally exhausting, to the point where it’s basically impossible.
Even the example provided in the blog post: I don’t think snowe had bad intentions, but I do think they had clearly misinterpreted the situation with that issue, and their comments were needlessly condescending.
On Lemmy 0.19.3, reports go to:
Our servers are currently in Finland, but this is subject to change if necessary for financial/technical reasons. We’ve also used German servers in the past for example. In general we’re definitely staying in the EU, though.