these GPS units are still quite good, as constant tracking on a smartphone consumes quite a bit of power, while these devices can run on few AA batteries for 15-30 hours.
these GPS units are still quite good, as constant tracking on a smartphone consumes quite a bit of power, while these devices can run on few AA batteries for 15-30 hours.
it’s probably the corrosion, which needs to be neutralized first. Even then it’s possible that the metal in the port had been “eaten”.
Get it to boot, go into settings and change USB or “interface” mode to Garmin spanner, it won’t autoboot into USB mode but will ask you if you want USB mode when you turn it on.
On some garmins those batteries are rechargable, though I don’t know when they recharge. Either in USB mode or when you use external power though USB (if it supports it, either by using a garmin car GPS cable or clicking no at the USB screen when you change mode to garmin spanner). The battery is used for clock, perhaps the GPS almanac too but I’m not so sure about the latter.
Also, you should test your USB port, it’s probably dirty or broken and that’s why GPS thinks something is plugged in. Try measuring resistance between USB data pins.
edit - you can try neutralizing the corrosion too
By pirating it
Curious how the version you download for free doesn’t have this requirement…
well there are no coffee shops in the middle of the ocean…
Very cool!
they can just bury your channel and never promote it if you don’t accept, right?
when is it getting a new UI? hopefully the blender 2.8 moment will come soon for FreeCAD.
Cheaper alternative: flash existing router with DD-WRT or OpenWRT and access advanced features for free.
well yes, that’s how insurance works
“we can’t afford ATS software that can read PDFs”
okay, can you afford to pay me a proper wage??
nothing worthwhile, as it’s not allowed (for a good reason)
carriers who must sell the same phone as an electronics retailer cannot stop you from unlocking the bootloader.
first world countries have carrier locking illegal, and carriers sell the same configuration phones as regular shops.
source: my crackpipe
Isn’t the whole point that china wants to implement it themselves so they would know if it’s secure (i.e. has no western backdoors and has chinese backdoors)?
Doesn’t seem there is anything that they can do lol
Normal stand-by drain is less than 1% per hour, for a new device or a phone from 2015. Something is very wrong for it to drain 35% overnight.
I would imagine that any new issues are due to the soldering, but I can’t say for sure. (unless the button is on the removable back)