I have an alternate solution: Let them in, and harass them mercilessly beyond the purview of Meta rules.
I have an alternate solution: Let them in, and harass them mercilessly beyond the purview of Meta rules.
Karma was originally visible raw upvote / downvote tally. Reddit just obscured the upvote and downvote numbers to discourage manipulation for karma.
Limiting participation based on karma didn’t happen for a long time. By the time some huge subreddits took that step, it (or some other gatekeeping) was necessary to filter a lot of malicious users.
It isn’t a single site or host, and there is no owner. Wouldn’t that be like saying “e-mail must be GDPR compliant”?
If this website accomplices nothing more than educating people about Motörhead, worth it.
The ACA does not require all private plans to cover preexisting conditions. It requires all marketplace exchange and ACA compliant plans to do so. But many insurers - including Blue Cross Blue Shied and UHC - withdrew from the healthcare.gov exchange years ago to sell non-ACA compliant plans instead. With the death of the individual mandate, they lost the insured numbers to make it work. The remaining plans there are from companies like Oscar and are frankly not competitive with what you can get separately - other than preexisting coverage.
Yes you can buy family plans, and of course it scales in price. Averages out to about $400 per person, but of course that also depends on the PPO list, copay v coinsurance, coverage for ancillary services like mental health and prescription medication, and etc.
Not all private health plans cover routine preventive care at a reduced rate. I was on a UHC plan where my annual checkup cost me several hundred dollars.
The ACA was awesome at first. It dramatically improved my personal health insurance. But within a couple of years, the exchange in my area was a ghost town. It is a shell now.
When life gives you lemons, just say “fuck the lemons” and bail.
Private health insurance is going to cost you ballpark $400/month, provide no coverage for any preexisting conditions, provide no coverage for your family members (just the enrolling individual), you will typically pay the first $10,000 or so each year before your insurer covers any of the costs, and if you end up needing to use it a lot they will cancel you the next year.
Affordable Care Act coverage will cost about the same but cover preexisting conditions, you can usually cap your own cost for regular checkups to $20, and they won’t cancel you the following year unless the insurance company leaves the marketplace entirely.
Private employer provided coverage varies wildly depending on the size of the employer (because they have more leverage in negotiating with insurance companies) and the employer’s own ideas.
Never thought fediverse would be into day old reposts about meta beans this quick, but here we are.
Non-preventable deaths are about 95%.
There is a greater than 5% chance that your death will be someone’s fault.
50% of doctors graduated in the bottom half of their medical school.
Neither have the Seattle SuperSonics.
There are a bunch already… Wefwef is really good
This was one of the top instances recommended on join-lemmy, and it couldn’t find top communities from lemmyverse. Out of curiosity, I poked my head back to the instance a second ago, and I see users asking the server owner about it.
Maybe my experience is rare, but if the instance you choose is going to have a material effect on what instances and communities you can interact with, that’s essential info to choosing a home.
Admins / instance owners can control what other instances and communities the local users have access to. And entire instances can be dropped automatically because of long response times.
Beyond that, I personally don’t care.
Searching for specific communities and they aren’t present on the server.
Relish it. Go through your receipt and verify every item is in the bags. Bonus points for ticking off each entry with a pen and confirming the SKUs are correct.