You got me at atmospheric. Instantly sold.
You got me at atmospheric. Instantly sold.
Eyyy same for NMS. I generally just like to run around and screen shot stuff
My first time playing no mans sky and finding out you get to fly around the solar system. I love how infinite the game is even if its a little repetitive
Hard pass. If I cannot block someone harassing me that’s it. Thank God I already don’t have the problem of using Twitter to begin with
Oh god yes. I literally check every single urn in every dungeon, grab every mushroom or plant, check every shelf. It’s like this goblin comes out of me playing TES
I am absolutely ravishing skyrim with mods on my steam deck right now. I’m playing a destruction mage, and half the time when im attacking I say “and so I started blastin” to myself. I play Vampire Survivors often, dead cells, subnautica, No Mans Sky, etc. Might give elden ring another try since I’ve been enjoying more difficulty in games.
I would not do mods your first play-through. However, what I would recommend, is just doing whatever it is you feel like doing when you play. See a cave you want to walk into? Do it. Did you get assigned a new quest that looks more interesting than the one you’re doing? Hop on it. Don’t let certain storylines drag you down if you don’t enjoy them.
I have a few, Skyrim is my biggest one. I basically maladaptive daydream Skyrim. If I’m feeling bad I play through it in my head. Some others are No Mans Sky, Vampire Survivors, and generally pixel games are always really comforting to me. I also like to go back and play dragon fable sometimes when I need some nostalgia.
This is only one of two games I like dying in. The HUAGHHH when you respawn and the fire boosh is just so good