Hippos are extremely dangerous and viscious.
Hippos are extremely dangerous and viscious.
I think you should follow that last sentence with a description of why that matters. I know by inference, but some may miss your point that by “killing any dog that pisses them off” they were selectively breeding for obedience to the alpha to the exclusion of all else. And then maybe extrapolate on how that trait translates into fierce loyalt to one individual which makes everything else a potential target for attack.
Are armor penetrating EMP rounds a thing yet?
They also discussed how students with higher grades had a better chance of going to college, while those with lower grades had a higher chance of going to jail, getting shot or getting killed, parents told The Daytona Beach News-Journal.
Although there was no intended malice involved
Yeah, what harm could come from making a gradeschooler think about getting shot or going to jail every time they take a test? I’m sure it will provide great motivation instead of turning the poor kids into nervous wrecks.
“The CIA apparently believes that it is not subject to federal law,” Byrnes said.
“Oh no, not again.” -Bowl of Petunias
Literally eat the rich.
Hey, don’t [removed] us! We’re just having a bitch session. That’s what you call it when discussing bitches, right?
And gun safety 101 teaches you a gun is always loaded.
Vaginal shied or pinch of spice, but when to use which?
And they both make me cry when I chop them up…
17 plus genders? Amateur numbers.
The “pan” prefix on the other hand, means all, or including everything. Thus we can assume pansexual to (literally) mean a person who is sexually attracted to any and every gender that there is or could be.
The “pan” prefix on the other hand, means all, or including everything. Thus we can assume pansexual to (literally) mean a person who
iscan be sexually attracted to any and every gender that there is or could be.___
Hetero, bi, and gay people are not attracted to any or every of their preferred gender. It’s a small difference in language but I think pansexuals would agree that phrasing it as “is sexually attracted to any and every gender” implies pansexuals are out there trying to bang anything with a pulse whereas the truth is just that gender or sexuality are not barriers to them. I guess it would be more accurate to say “pansexuals are sexually attracted to partners independent of sex and/or gender identity”?
This is probably oversimplified, but maybe helpful:
Straight - consider themselves sexually attracted to opposite gender/sex
Gay - consider themselves sexually attacted to same gender/sex
Bi - consider themselves sexually attracted to either gender/sex
Pan - consider themselves sexually attracted
So heavy it broke the chain, streets ahead.
Je suis une fermier de paumplemousse et j’aime faire de l’apinisme.
I used to pay cash for weed. I still do, but I used to, too.
I pulled a muscle trying to pretzel my brain around that, too.