Idk man, where I live, cops have to help you as quickly as possible when needed. Whether they get free meals or not, it’s literally their job.
Idk man, where I live, cops have to help you as quickly as possible when needed. Whether they get free meals or not, it’s literally their job.
why would cops get food for free?
wouldn’t it be better to keep as many vowels as possible for your next words?
it helps deaf people see them better
self-reference: see self-reference
lol not all people with dyed hair are lefties
Putin just started the war one day for no reason because he felt like it.
“Yeah but it was because NATO is expanding”
Ok so countries formerly under Russian rule want to prevent that from happening again, what a surprise. This hurts Putin’s feelings and that’s why he felt like invading Ukraine in 2014 and in 2022.
(comment not directed at TheBat of course)
yes and I’m looking for a whale egg
I’m angry and confused
ok remind me in 12 years
And I always think I write good comments until a year later I’m like these comments don’t help shit
Ornithologists must have been very horny when they named those birds.
i think you mean fucking brilliant
aight this is officially the most far fetched loss meme I’ve ever seen
In German and Dutch it’s way worse: “Säugetier” and “zoogdier”. Both can roughly be translated to “sucking animals”. I was taught in school that it’s called that because babies suck on the mother’s breasts to be fed and this is a unique trait to mammals. So in conclusion, we all suck.
reminds me of a certain US president…
go suck Elons dick.
that would be the fifth time today, give them a break
watching alone isn’t enough