I hate to spoil your fun but IRs are made to be written by programs and read by programs.
I hate to spoil your fun but IRs are made to be written by programs and read by programs.
Are there any other, less biased, sources on the topic?
After skimming through the decision of the arbitration comitee, I feel there more than a few inconsistencies in the article.
A quick google search revealed only Isreal friendly sources covering the decision…
You mean Methylphenidate? Because people when understand a different thing when you say meth…
Are you me? Or am I you? The crazy thing is that when I work, I wooork. Like 12 hours without peeing, drinking water, eating, or taking any breaks.
Nothing atm, but you never know what you may find. I would assume that most whistleblowers didn’t know they joined a shady organisation until years down the line…
Maybe, add a clause what should happen if you disappear for more than x days. For most jurisdictions you are considered dead if you disappear for a few years.
Why not keep a copy?
Also, both people are single point of failures. Maybe, 5-6 people where each has an encrypted payload and the keys to decrypt everyone else’s payload.
Another thing to consider is that you won’t know immediately that the information you stumbles upon is incriminating. Sometimes it may take years until you have all the pieces of the puzzle.
What happended to “Don’t feed the trolls”? I thought it’s shared expirience that giving attention to trolls like that only gives them motivation to keep on going. Ignoring them is the only way to stop them from spamming.
DataLog is used to verify smart contracts. I don’t know any specific examples of prolog used in the industry, though I am sure there are a few. Probably, there are expert systems implemented with prolog that are still used.
Logic programming in general has a few usages, the unification algorithm is used for pretty much every type system. Also, it is quite good for verification systems. For example, I know some symbolic execution systems implemented in OCaml.
Wondering if it’s possible to put this observation into number…
The repository is not public (yet), so I created a gist with the relevant code for the transformations I have implemented. This is pure JS (typescript to be exact), I am not familiar with svelte, but maybe it’s easier to plug them in. https://gist.github.com/souperk/6208d9401e4d5e47ab4b9d503b6e97c2
I have a js implemented a simple wysiwyg editor for markdown in react, I can add you on the repo and share a link if yoy want to copy it
Also, the payload needs to be worse than what you are already disclosing…
Sadly, it’s paywalled behind a 200k med degree. Even then, there is a lot of inconsistent or missing documentation.
But, they are not compatible with other modules of your body.
It helps to think about this as a spectrum, as more features become available more people will make the switch to Linux. Not everyone will be able to swich to Linux at the same time, and some people will never switch.
Gaming was major bottleneck, even I, a person using Linux full time for the past 20 years, I used to maintain a Windows disk to play games. Only in the past couple of years I was able to sunset my windows setup, hopefully to never touch windows ever again. I had to drop a couple of games but it got to the point where rebooting to a OS wasn’t worth it, as most of my games worked flawlessly without any tweaking.
There are many major pros to the Linux desktop environment, but we still need major software applications to become portable. The workflow of an average office worker is still not Linux compatible. Of course there are office alternatives, but they are not as easy to use. Though, IMO the oss world is hurting by trying to copy ms when their products are so horrible… Hopefully, the EU will drop some major cash at the issue with all these talks about digital sovereignty.
My understanding is that the company would be regulated by CRA and not the developer. However, that does not stop the company from pushing the developer for CRA compliance.
I ended up setting up a postal server on my vps (see here). Their docs are pretty easy to follow through and it’s probably the cheapest option (assuming you already use the and have a domain).