If that were true he wouldnt have lost his mind about a single protestor. Crowds are rowdy, thats just life.
If that were true he wouldnt have lost his mind about a single protestor. Crowds are rowdy, thats just life.
Too bad, I liked radiohead. Well, onto my personal BDS list it goes.
No other news source has confirmed this act.
the domiannace of the big news outlets by zionists is well documented.
notice how Israel has killed all the journalists and the sites that do report carefully use passive lagnuage for israeli actions and active and adverserial language for anything lebanese or gazan people do. Its obvious bias and controlled jouranlism. So why would you think them not covering something is meaningful?
Maybe you are just lookinbg for confirmation of your own bias?
whatever, and you enjoy losing to a republican instead of a dem pretending to be one.
Americans want police reform, guns out of schools, a public option, judicial term limits, weapons to Israel to stop. Biden/Harris have been against all of these things and each of tnem cost her votes and voter enthusiasm. She could have won easily by embracing all of those. Tacking to the center has gotten very few republicans onboard, which is evidenced by the way she has been losing ground to trump steadily all month.
Right, so Israel shouldnt have murdered and kicked all those people off their land during the Nakba.
I used to think it’d be our kids or grandkids who would find out, but its looking like it might actually be us. What a time to be alive.
Great news. Fascists shouldnt get visas to travel anywhere.
“USA, war crimes cleanup on Aisle 11, USA, cleanup on aisle 11.”
Are you equating something monumental like a genocide with some thing trivial like school vouchers? Maybe you should consider that some issues are more impactful and important than others.
I was always confused by the polcie criminalizing antifa. So fascism good, anti fascism bad these days? Genocide is the same. If you are anti genocide you’ll be brutalized.
every post about this topic we have one person saying its the trolley problem, and starting a digression based on that, and one person saying its all first past the post voting, and starting a digression on that. The uniformity of the pattern of distraction setting is pretty suspicious.
the cybertruck of mounts.
You are right. I think other countries should sanction US travelers for our governments bad actions, yes. It would wake people the eff up.
We dont need Israel for much of anything. We have an air base in jordan a few miles from the Israel border. We have turkey, Cyprus, the UAE, bases all over, even inside Syria, really everywhere except for inside Israel. To our military Israel is completely useless, and a potent risk of “accidental” SAM launches.
And if anyone seriously thinks the lack of bases inside their territory means They work for us, instead of the reality which is our politicians work for them, then you’re just disregarding the proof thats clearly there even by the pattern of base presences, and the fact that democratic politicians are roped into a far right wing genocide. The idea that they are our “ally”, that they are our “aircraft carrier in the middle east” and that they are a proxy for the US just doesnt match any of these facts. We’re being fed Israeli propoganda and a lot of you are lapping it up because its most convenient for you.
that, and murdering all the journalists.
The reason is that Israel has been a steadfast ally in advancing and defending us interests for half a century
what a load of crap. Israel almost always has right wing leadership and those leaders run far more billboards celebrating their relationship with Putin that with the US. We have no operational bases there. They havent participated in any of our military conflicts. They are not an extension of US power. If they were, we have operations happening out of there.
theres about 7.5 jewish voters split between republicans and dems. Theres about 3.7 arab american voters which are part of the 4.45 million muslim voters. Jews arent a voting block of a size to be overly concerned about. And the dems probably lose more votes supporting israel than they gain. So this is about money, not votes.
I applaud your pushback. Until Americans are denied travel visas we wont examine our own actions, and our slow and steady creep toward open fascism will continue.
With our too big ocean borders and large military, America cant be confronted militarily, it has to be dipllomatically. Money is the only thing capitalism values. I also think a new UN should be started without veto authority by the ‘great powers’. China and Russia are no better and also need containment.