Wait, wtf? Mouth dry! Mouth dry!
Wait, wtf? Mouth dry! Mouth dry!
I actually watched that episode last night, so that post was kinda jumping at me. What are the odds…
Sagan, a real teacher. Not only smart, there are quite a few smart people. But also able to make something complicated easily understood. To make something abstract sound straight. To make something minds can’t grasp comprehensible. A beautiful ability!
I recently read somewhere that it’s actually just very few bee species that die after stinging, among them honeybees. They have a barbed stinger that gets stuck while most bees have flat stingers and can sting repeatedly.
It’s not any snake, but some species that are adapted to living on trees. It’s also not really flying. Gliding would describe what they do better. As they jump, they flatten their body and make slither movements through the air, gliding maybe at a 45 angle downwards.
I assume that the submarine producer gives stats like empty weight from which the current weight can be calculated.
However, weight isn’t the important thing in a sub. It’s the weight to volume ratio, or buoyancy.
A sub sinks when buoyancy is negative and rises if the buoyancy is positive.
There are three common ways to achieve the changing buoyancy: the most simple one is a vessel with positive buoyancy adding droppable weights until the buoyancy is negative.
Other ways are a neutral buoyancy vessel that uses it’s engine power to push itself up or down. Or a vessel that can change it’s buoyancy by filling up tanks with water (to reduce buoyancy below neutral) and blow them out with air or other gases lighter than water (to raise buoyancy above neutral). A combination of several methods is also possible.
Aren’t these changes, because there are just have bones to look at, so skin properties etc are a guessing game?
But how did that jaw bone double in length in 2001? Was the skull a missing part until then?
That makes sense, I guess. Like to choose a skillset for the next epoch, if you’re right. That sounds kinda cool. Almost like a skill tree for your civ, only that it comes with a civ name change.
The second big change is that when you transition from one age to the next—there are three ages, Antiquity, Exploration, and Modern—you’ll pick a new civilization to lead, one that was at the height of its power during the age in question. So you might go from controlling Rome in Antiquity to Mongolia during the Exploration age.
Well, I still play civ4 bts, never went beyond civ5 and unless I update my hardware probably won’t try civ6 and civ7 anytime soon.
But what you mean, you’ll change civilization midgame? I can’t wrap my head around this concept. Or does your civilization simply change it’s name?
If it had a stable orbit before and then slowed down, I thought it’ll get a more elliptical orbit, being both closer and further, or fall into Earth.
My logic was that a stable orbit closer to the center needs higher speeds to counter higher gravity and vice versa.
So if the moon would get hit in a way that makes it slow down and get pushed further away from Earth at the same time, it could keep a roundish orbit, or not?
What’s with that specific timeframe? Is it due to the orbit never being perfect? Or random slight influences from other not too far, heavy objects?
Thanks for the explanation, the moon being a little fast for it’s orbit and therefore slowly spiraling out of Earths gravity makes sense to me now.
It would not, though. I assume your glasses to have a larger surface than your eyes. Additionally, eyelash do are real good job in filtering the air in front of your eye.
Source: was wearing glasses for 25 years before I got my eyes fixed 7 years ago.
I know you’re right, have read it elsewhere before. But I can’t figure out why that would happen. I doubt Earth is loosing mass. Does the moon slow down over time due to impacts or what causes this?
I use mosquito coils, they are very effective.
I also have an electric bat, although it’s more for the phycho fun of killing than helping reducing bites. They are just too many.
I tried lemongrass as a natural deterrent but had the impression it made no difference.
What works best for me is: slapping those you can while not caring about the rest. Because once you start to scratch it’s a vicious cycle, so I don’t touch stings and usually then forget about them shortly after.
Maybe they are different. I live in Asia. From what I heard there are many mosquito species, but the majority not blood sucking or at least not human blood sucking. Only few species carry disease, if I recall correctly.
To be fair, when I’m preoccupied, I also don’t feel them always. Or I feel them but my hands are busy, so I can’t slap them. I often have this at night, when I’m playing PC games and my feet get stung up. It’ll be like “ouch, my foot! Gotta slap that mosquito, but first I finish this in game. And then this.” Procrastinating until it’s too late.
I believe ankles are prime for them due to thin skin.
One mosquito died, writing this comment.
I disagree. I live in mosquito land and get bitten a lot. I’d say the majority of mosquitos biting me, I feel when they land, before they bite. Probably half of those I can either slap or miss and they take off again and try again. There are some spots though where I don’t feel them land. The annoying ones are those I feel touching me but they don’t land, they just fly around. Those are hard to slap.
Unrelated question: does anybody happen to know if the biting time matters for transmitting disease?
2 mosquitos died on me while typing out this comment.
If you enjoy disliking Seagal, you might enjoy “Space Ice”'s movie reviews on YouTube .
I would go even further and say that the perception of the voters outweighs reality.
Thank you for the detailed explanation!
I see. Yes I watched the debate and he really didn’t do well, like he was on some medicine and partly asleep. My favorite part was when they discussed who is better at golf. Was a very important thing to get clear for people like me, that are worried of climate collapse.
But this isn’t new to Biden, is it? Confusing names and numbers has always been a Biden thing, I think, it’s not necessarily a health decline. Like my favorite American president quote is “America is a nation that can be defined in a single word: ashofootnae ehfoot, excuse me, at the foothills in the Himalaya…”
That’s why I thought the democrats had a meeting after the debate and saw that Biden’s campaign is not going well and the public thinks (doesn’t matter if rightfully or not) Biden is too old and mentally declining. Maybe, in order to save the sinking ship, it’s best to play a rather risky move of changing the nomine just a few months before election. Or maybe he was also peer pressured.
Anyway, if it was Biden’s initiative he does deserve a lot of respect for it!
I’m not from the US. Is it really his choice? I thought it would be more democratic and the party members would vote for who they run, how they run, etc?
It propably grabbed the info off some random number-confusing dude like me, who recently posted the Earth’s diameter would be about 6 km instead of 6000.
Edit: oops, did it again. Meant radius, not diameter…
So that’s about 13,000 homo sapiens mothers?