If the algorithm is more likely to help a white servicemember than a black one, that would be a problem, no?
If the algorithm is more likely to help a white servicemember than a black one, that would be a problem, no?
We played a round of Angry Birds at a work party where the virtual targets were only maybe 25-30 yards away. Super fun.
Ok, that does sound fun.
I don’t know, I still find basketball more boring. That’s not to say that golf isn’t boring, but if I only had two channels I bet I’d have it on golf. In the background.
There’s no way the House GOP sees that as relevant, it’s not about the law or what’s just.
It’s great to see people that genuinely think that imprisonment without trial is the way to go. Really warms the heart.
the meme was about billionaires though
“But anyways, what was I saying? Oh yes, thank you for inviting me to speak at commencement”
Sure, but then the person blocking wouldn’t necessarily know. I’m sure, for someone like him, there’s a joy in letting someone know they have no ability to get rid of him.
Aren’t there different twitter tiers, too? Like, blue and gold? I wonder if you’ll only be allowed to block people in your tier and below, so that unpaid accounts can’t block anybody
helium recovery and recycling has come a long way, and the costs of helium are now justifying the extra expense of the hardware, so I think that problem should abate somewhat in the coming years.
there’s no way he doesn’t retain a true block feature for himself, of course
I’m a professor of chemistry, I mainly do organometallic research but we’ve been branching out into other areas.
So freedom of speech really is just a cudgel the right uses against the left? It’s not really something they believe in.