The best app for users of the OSM data.
The best app for users of the OSM data.
It’s so everyone can see who’s the boss.
It must be all that aikido training. It’s turning him into a japanese.
Honestly, they both come across as Dumb & Dumber. LeBell surely didn’t have to actually prove such claim, but he still wanted to put Seagal to sleep, which could have ended in Seagal’s death. It’s literally a Jackass situation.
Never had children, but I imagine this is me parenting.
Maybe they should take it as “glorifying justice”? No, of course that doesn’t align with Reddit’s ruthless ruling.
I’ve always thought well educated people have a great potential to be dangerous and achieve transcendental goals if organized. A group of engineers, of chemists, physicists, biologists, computer scientists after specific goals may be formidable enemies if they wanted. The 0.001%, the dirty rich, should now be aware.
Or pushing buttons thousands of miles away.
Sure I worded this weirdly. As far as nationalities go, there is no other country in the world with more Spanish speaking people, by far. There. But that wasn’t even the point. The point was that >100 million Spanish speaking people would ask for “café negro”.
EDIT: Merriam Webster accepts “most” as a synonym for “greatest in quantity, extent or degree”, which is not necessarily at least half plus one. Then again, I’m not a native English speaker. I edited the original comment to be clear.
Sure, I’m living on the edge.
Unfortunately not, but I’m clearly talking about countries. I’m not saying every Spanish speaking country should use “cafe negro”, I was just stating that a good chunk of Spanish speaking people do use “cafe negro”.
Like, in the world?
Most The first majority of Spanish speaking people are Mexican. We ask for café negro. Now, the interesting part is that if you want a café negro in any cafe, and you feel awkward about it, you can ask for a café americano. It’s curious how the café negro in this setup is the “American coffee”. Then again, we don’t think America is America, we understand America as the Americas.
They are deluded. They still think about the American dream as if it wasn’t a nightmare. Yeah, leave all your people behind, let them die or rot in poverty, as long as you make it.
Ha ha funny
Is Spez a CEO now?
Not in the USA in recent years. Peaceful protestation is one way to push back, but if it still doesn’t work, it’s not the last resort.
Sadly, the most probable outcome from this is gonna be more privileges to CEOs. After all, they are now exposed to be killed on the streets. Maybe their insurance, as well as their brute salary, will also be way better. And surely, countless jackos are aiming for the vacant position.
Of course there’s only a small percent of Among Us players that will try to kill a CEO. Be grateful.
I use both. Osmand+ allows me to contribute way more efficiently with PDIs and GPS traces as well as editing existing features, but when I want to navigate, I prefer Organic Maps. I also like more their rendering since it’s faster across all my devices. They are both useful apps. My main gripe is with the data in my area, as everyone uses Google or Apple’s data we struggle with contributors.