Yup. I emphasize with every single person who was able to vote and voted Democrats, or those who were not eligible to vote. Everyone else? Especially if a minority who historically the R party have fucked over raw? Schadenfreude galore
Yup. I emphasize with every single person who was able to vote and voted Democrats, or those who were not eligible to vote. Everyone else? Especially if a minority who historically the R party have fucked over raw? Schadenfreude galore
Sure, the cop is shielded, and will not pay a penny. The taxpayers on the other hand…
Yes, religion is a powerful tool to justify all kind of inhumanities
They looked at Auschwitz, realized that zirkon B was too expensive, and decided that Malaria and Dysentery can do it for cheaper.
Didn’t some morons vote for trump literally because of the egg prices?
You block the DNS ups as well I think. Browsers should have more than one DNS address anyway in case one go down
I think this ship might pay itself, if you consider it’s full of oil
Tbh they had the ribbentrop pact, but with friends like Hitler who needs enemies
So as long as the genocide is far away, is completely acceptable for its employees to work there?
If you live with an abusive spouse, but the house is literally build in an island surrounded by lava, A. Maybe your bargaining position is not that good.
B. Maybe, even if it’s super shitty to live with the abusive, its still better that swim in lava, so you bite the bullet and wait the lava cool down
You forget Musk-fuelled presidencies that set us back even more while we try to repair the damages, because morons keep voting R no matter what
How dark are you in the browness scale? /s
South Korea values education. The Republican party has been destroying the public education system for decades.
So south Korea does not have as many braindead people as we have here
And how suddenly the police does not feel the need for a huge manhunt to find the assassin
The EU as a whole has donated more to Ukraine than the US.
The main problem is that while the EU donations where to keep Ukraine economy afloat, a lot of the US ones were military aid, so Ukraine cannot do without either.
If the Nazis are relevant in the discussion because they acted the same, sure.
Calling someone Nazi just because it’s not, but this isn’t the case
Tbh RED engine also has its plethora of problems, missing features, and makes it harder to onboard new team members (need to train on new engine instead of basically every single dev having experience with unity or unreal).
Not that unreal is perfect by any shots.
Give wine to the underage girl?
But Putin picky promised!
They did not have the science to know it was poisonous.
So in a certain way, we are actually dumber, since we are doing it anyway