Wow that is quite a serious collection of i’m-dead-inside eyes. Guess you would have to be to consistently put selfish greed above all of human life.
Wow that is quite a serious collection of i’m-dead-inside eyes. Guess you would have to be to consistently put selfish greed above all of human life.
Does he ever ask for other “services”? How would you react to such a request? Weird question I know, but I imagine this situation must’ve happened to servants and I wonder if they face repercussions professionally if they refuse.
Here you simulate some of the effects. Pretty fun to drop an asteroid on some asshat from my youth’s house. Less fun when it wiped out my entire city and evaporated my parents. Welp… can’t have it all I guess.
There is this fun toy see/calculate the potential effect of any asteroid collision:
If it hits any city, that is wiped out. If it hit anything else, chances are damages are moderate.
Temporary or not, this is not humane and should not be tolerated by either government. Everybody deserves a basic level of decency. Or would you like to stay in a cage, even if for a couple of weeks? It is dehumanising.
Didn’t he already decided for himself to leave twitter? I seem to vaguely remember some post about it a while ago. Not that he is wrong though.
In theory. In practice, 2000 $ is pocket change for them.
atlas:: $ andrewryan=1
atlas:: $ wouldyoukindly kill -9 $andrewryan
Ah. Thanks, been wondering some time about that and googling gave a lot of mixed results for me.
Whelp… that was wild!
I would argue that the correct translation of Zeug is more like “thing”. Wagen would be “car” in the context of the cartoon. But then it wouldn’t sound absurd and their lowball attempt at humor wouldn’t work.
Waco Jacko. Neverland was built to contain him.
I know. I guess i rather meant the influencer/commercial/advertising/brainrot hellscape that are instagram, tiktok and the likes.
Lemmy feels -for now at least- at bit more…pure or innocent I guess?
“Save social media from billionaires”
“Save social media”
Eeeehm… how about… and here me out… how about we let this cancer in decline die out instead of trying to revive it? Crazy right?
Or an AI generated one even
I read the front page and have no idea what this is supposed to be, other than some reincarnation of geocities perhaps? There’s some vague and unintelligible rambling about digital soul pods and whatnot; but it seems they want to reinvent the internet… on the internet. At least thats what I make of it.
Yes… “server farm”… sure. Around here a house producing that much attic heat is farming alright; but usually oregano or other herbs…
One of the first things we will use it for is to make a new weapon of mass destruction. Mark my words.