• 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s definitely yellow.

    But, for real, OP is having a struggle with it for this reason.

    If something is 50% G and 50% B, it is neither one or the other. It’s exactly where C sits. If it is 75% G and 25% B, you could say it’s green. But if I asked if it’s green or cyan, we’ll have the same issue again, sinc it’s. 50% G and 50% C.

    OP gotta learn their colour spectrum a bit more.

  • I travel a lot and it’s usually huge distances on the road, often followed by long distances on foot. Constantly in the zone, eating up kilometres, taking up the entire daylight and sometimes longer.

    My favourite part is the end when I sit and open a beer.

    “Good job, brain. Fantastic work, body. You can both switch off now, we’re giving ourselves a delicious pat on the back, or four.”

  • saltesc@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldWine
    4 days ago

    Why not?!

    spits into wine spittoon

    Because I didn’t do this 90 min online wine-tasting course developed by a renowned French vitic-… viticultur-… viticulturalogoligst to drink…whatever this is!

    spits into spittoon

    I bet you don’t even know the difference between a reelsling and a saving blonk! When has art ever been ascertained with wine?

    spits in spittoon (but it was always only ever an empty Nesquik can)

  • saltesc@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldTo Make a Mr. Bean
    4 days ago

    I want a Scarecrow movie.

    Psychology professor that is a mastermind of manipulation and fear, with a fear toxin. One of Batman’s most brutal and hardest adversaries compared to Joker events.

    Literal mind fuck fear-inducing vilain that does—well, he’d say he doesn’t—some really, really horrifying things.

    So done with Jokers