I struggle to understand what modern insurance companies actually exist for, apart from money people donating money to them for nothing in return.
I struggle to understand what modern insurance companies actually exist for, apart from money people donating money to them for nothing in return.
Well, they don’t have to ban them.
Just install profiles on them. Inside school hours certain connections and apps are blocked. We’ve had this tech since iPhone 3. I’m sure the parents will be happy to sign the slip.
It’s either that or ban them. And if anyone’s worried about control; then just ban them. But there’s a long-standing tech option to avoid this, specifically to prevent banning.
And reverse psychology doesn’t work on cats.
“You can go into the gun cabinet whenever you want. It’s not off-bounds at all. Help yourself! I’d be happy if you did.”
“Who’s asking you for permission, bitch?”
Good to know. I’ll steer clear of that OS then.
It’s definitely yellow.
But, for real, OP is having a struggle with it for this reason.
If something is 50% G and 50% B, it is neither one or the other. It’s exactly where C sits. If it is 75% G and 25% B, you could say it’s green. But if I asked if it’s green or cyan, we’ll have the same issue again, sinc it’s. 50% G and 50% C.
OP gotta learn their colour spectrum a bit more.
Wishing on a star?
“Yeah, I’ve been seeing it for weeks, Grimace. Every time he delivers McNuggets he gets tipped $5K. And it’s $10K for a Happy Meal!”
I travel a lot and it’s usually huge distances on the road, often followed by long distances on foot. Constantly in the zone, eating up kilometres, taking up the entire daylight and sometimes longer.
My favourite part is the end when I sit and open a beer.
“Good job, brain. Fantastic work, body. You can both switch off now, we’re giving ourselves a delicious pat on the back, or four.”
Why not?!
spits into wine spittoon
Because I didn’t do this 90 min online wine-tasting course developed by a renowned French vitic-… viticultur-… viticulturalogoligst to drink…whatever this is!
spits into spittoon
I bet you don’t even know the difference between a reelsling and a saving blonk! When has art ever been ascertained with wine?
spits in spittoon (but it was always only ever an empty Nesquik can)
I like the idea that everytime someone proclaims to be Jesus right before the cops kill them or they’re relegated to skid row, it’s true.
Meme’s also on point that way. Christ trying to return for the 7000th time expecting a different result.
Just got really lucky first time around.
Got to say, I don’t really understand. But words ending with the -demic morpheme aren’t used lightly where I’m from and still mean what they do. I assume that’s what’s going on in this comment.
I want a Scarecrow movie.
Psychology professor that is a mastermind of manipulation and fear, with a fear toxin. One of Batman’s most brutal and hardest adversaries compared to Joker events.
Literal mind fuck fear-inducing vilain that does—well, he’d say he doesn’t—some really, really horrifying things.
So done with Jokers
My current shower is like this, especially in winter.
Water as cold as a nebula
tweaks hot faucet a millimetre clockwise
The wounds are still healing, but I’n up for round two if it ever lets me back on the couch again.
It didn’t make sense at first, but I realised bald men may indeed start with the balls or leg hair first and work up. Wherever has most hair holding most water, really
There are small phones. There’s more small phones than big phones. And I have big thumbs so stop whinging about the minority.
Edit: Omg I just lost to clickbait. FUCK.
People always forget about the insects…
People always forget about the insects
This happened to me as a very young kid (6 maybe?) in the early 90s. All my school friends got sick from the party. Apart from the itching and sore throat, I remember just playing with Lego for a few days instead of going to school and it was great.
One of the dads (neighbour) got it and had to stay at the hospital for a few days.
BG3 is the same as any of the other games previously. A D&D game with an amazing DM. Immersive story and characters, great system at the foundation, and excellent gameplay to channel the story and system through.
I think BG3 spent most of their time saying no to dull or shallow ideas, rather than reinventing the wheel. And of course it worked incredibly.