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I think what you mean is compound words vs other words?
Wikipedia says there are lots of compound words in English.
Plaintiff is borrowed from Old French. Litigation from Latin…
I suppose it boils down to when and under what circumstances a term was needed to describe something. Sometimes there was a word from another language available. Or the whole subject came from a different culture. And sometimes they just described it with a compound of what it resembles. And how to make up terms probably also depends on what is en vogue at the time.
My summary is oversimplified. I still think it’s the correct answer to OP’s question: is there physical evidence. Because there isn’t anything physical. But there are written records from a bit later, suggesting that somebody with that name must have existed. Glad someone else thinks I picked the correct article. Seems it’s not that easy to find good information. The English speaking internet is filled with low quality efforts to portray the facts in a way they’d like to have them.
I have a few good books though. Back when I was young (and became an atheist,) I used to read a lot about philosophy, the political message of the New Testament. And what life was like in that time.
Agree. But that specific article seems pretty alright. Also talks about the relics and history records for example by Tacitus.
There also is a Wikipedia article which I think is not written that well. And a lot of education material by churches or religious organizations which I did not cite for obvious reasons.
(And the German Wikipedia article about sources for the historicity of Jesus seems very good. But it’s not exactly OP’s question and I don’t know if it helps:ßerchristliche_antike_Quellen_zu_Jesus_von_Nazaret )
Tl;dr: No.
My opinion: It’s a nice story. And with stories the most important thing is what it teaches us or makes us feel. Not that it’s true. Maybe they took inspiration from several preaching hippies who lived back then and made one story out of that. Exaggerated everything and made stuff up. Probably all of it because the bible was’t even written close to his supposed lifetime. It’d be like you now writing a story about a dude who died in 1870. Without any previous records to get information from. [Edit: The first things have probably been written down like 40-50 years after his death.]
And I mean if Jesus existed, he would certainly disapprove of what people do (and did) in his name.
I think they don’t take inspiration from Photoshop. Either it’s been a clone of a different product at some time or they developed it themselves. Hence the differences. I mean the whole UI doen’t really resemble similarity to Photoshop.
I think most people here have went through the 5 stages of grief. And at this point they don’t care anymore. At least not to the degree they used to. It’s been a year. Life goes on. Don’t waste your time on being negative and spamming someone who once let you down. Look forward and spend your time on something useful. At least that’s my opinion.
But yeah, it’s a question. I just think other people think it’s pointless and they don’t care. And some of them are going to downvote you for that even in No stupid questions. And lots of other people aren’t going to upvote something like this. Hence resulting in that ratio.
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Yeah, the internet is an echo chamber. You get lots of bad advice here. And urban myths are regularly being upvoted to no end. Especially here on Lemmy.
Usually a doctor should know things, they studied medicine for years.
And there are people with certain attitudes… People who only respond well to arguments of authority… And people who have a different perspective on subjectivity/objectivity and the factual world. Lots of people just want to believe something. And they’ll search for any fake news supporting them or letting them believe whatever supports what they’re set on.
I’d say if you’re intelligent and know how to do research, and have the time to do so, look up things and learn things. If you can’t do that: Stick with authority.
And most importantly: Don’t ask on Lemmy or Reddit if you don’t want to talk to random people and listen to them.
Yeah they have. But don’t they go on to tell in several episodes of all of the shows, how someones mom makes/made the best X/Y out of real ingredients and how much better that tastes than replicated food? And they eat on some planets with other people or on vacation… ?! Or someone worked in a restaurant?
And they’re not even that woke. Afaik they still ocasionally eat animals in the 24th century. (Unless they’re Vulcan.) Watch The Orville if you want some proper progressive shit 😆
Is there an alternative? Anything that’s widely adopted an lets you give out and receive contact info reliably and in like 15s max?
Donate it to an Escape room or some artsy installation that’s set in that time.
In short: Yes. It’s dragging me down, too.
I’d like to focus on positivity. I mean negativity comes with strong emotions and I don’t want to get rid of it. But I’d like to see more positive things, too. People sharing side projects and nice things they’ve done and created. There needs to be a better balance. Because this doesn’t depict life or the entire perspective.
Ah, alright. Yeah interaction of medication is a complicated thing. I’d advise you to ask your specific questions to a doctor. Is it okay to take them at the same time, is it okay on an empty stomach, is it okay for my liver to take that dose of paracetamol x-times in a month… Maybe they suggest an alternative to Paracetamol that works better and has less side-effects, thus being more appropriate for you, individually. And I think doctors have access to databases and general recommendations concerning drugs and reciprocity and (case) studies. They’re probably more qualified to make a judgement and know about possible superior alternatives. (If there are any.)
They can also just test your blood and see if your liver is fine with what it’s been subjected to.
Yeah, I’d say abstaining from the medication for months and still having the same headaches pretty much rules out it being the cause of that.
I hope you’ll be granted an appropriate solution to your problem. Living with regular pain… isn’t nice.
Talk do your doctor.
a) Paracetamol on it’s own isn’t healty for your liver if taken regularly. I don’t know the specifics or if there is a safe dose.
b) Headache is one of the adverse drug effects of Paracetamol. Maybe you’re getting part of your headaches from it in the first place.
services.tabby.enable = true;
services.tabby.acceleration = "cuda";
? Could be another way.
Fair enough. I, too, think parts of dead bodies aren’t collector items or to be used for random purposes. Maybe for education and science. And with consent. But that’s it.
Mainly sugar, oil and fat and carbs from the wheat.
If you’re interested in finding out, why don’t you buy one and try for yourself? They’re not that expensive (at least the non-electronic ones)… I hear some people like it. And I mean if you’re not fond of the current situation, you should switch up things and try something different anyways.
(Edit: I’d get a cheap one, see if I like it and the either throw it in the trash or have learned something and then decide if I want some $250 device with all the bells and whistles and integration. But YMMV on that.)