I draw the line at whiskey/beer. I need both in order to watch the evening news. I won’t engage with socials until properly lubricated by both.
“This is fine.” (meme)
I draw the line at whiskey/beer. I need both in order to watch the evening news. I won’t engage with socials until properly lubricated by both.
“This is fine.” (meme)
As a long time plex pass user, is there anything there that would make me want to switch? Plex has just plain worked for me for years. mobile apps, everything is just great. Why should I look around?
My best friend at work is a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. He will never not be - and I rush to profess that he is not an asshole…he just thinks conservitave/republican is the side he needs to support probably because that’s what daddy did, dunno. We see eye-eye on most other things.
We do not agree on anything political except that everyone is way too heated up over everything. We are still friends, regardless.
My point in responding is that his gay daughter disconnected from him after Trump v.1 - would not take a call or interact in any way. This is painful for my friend and he has been confused by it but does not realize why his daughter won’t engage. I think she is offended that his political choice doesn’t allow for her right to exist and, frankly I agree with her.
I think my friend has lost his daughter forever because he is a stubborn man. I hope your dad can open his heart to accept you.
Being of use to someone else - something as simple as opening a door or something as hard as helping someone change a tire on the road. That karma is like a hit of the stuff I don’t do anymore.
I found about 8K for my mom a few years ago doing that.
Mushrooms - I once puked them up on the table when my mom made me eat them…canned mushrooms FTW! I now, of course, can not get enough of them - sautéed, baked, sliced/raw on a salad…gimme some fungus already!!
BTW, you really should fix that sagging soffit and close the gap where the fascia meets the fireplace - don’t want critters getting in.
For a number of years when I was younger I would go find a sub-$1000 vehicle that was current on registration and just drive it into the ground then go get another one. With nothing but oil, gas, tires and occasional DIY repairs I could generally get a couple years out of them. What I saved on car payments went into a fund for the next one. Then I grew up.
I had a Hue remote laying around from before I started using HA. When I moved everything Hue onto my zigbee dongle from the hub I did the same with the remote. There is a blueprint out there that makes configuring it a breeze.
They have an API available so I could siphon off my data if I wanted to but then I would need to build something like it to use said data in. I’m good.
It isn’t federated but I use Trakt to manage watch lists and scrobble my viewing history from Plex. There are some discovery features and a minor social aspect.
I join exactly at start time, down to the second. Once everyone has been counted or noticed and the droning idiot starts presenting I bug right TF out. Nothing will happen that matters because its a freakin’ meeting - if something important was going on it would be an email.
You are not required to provide lunch. You are not expected to tip. You hired a service and you’re paying for it (I know your new windows weren’t cheap).
You are required to be solicitous and helpful if they ask for help with something (move your car or kennel your dog). It would be nice of you to have a cooler full of water bottles and if it’s cold, hot coffee. You can also offer snacks or comfortable seating (lawn furniture set up, perhaps) if you want to impress them with how much you appreciate their work.
If the crew really knocks you out with how awesome they are you can follow your heart and open your wallet but don’t think there is an obligation beyond normal niceties.
I have read and worked through most of the O’Reilly animal books - perhaps this is before your time. Perl, C, C++, Java, etc… Yak, Camel, animals galore. I still have most of them buried in a closet somewhere.
This was before you could just google or (gasp, CGPT) your answer. You had to read and learn how to do something then try, practice and refine until you had a solution.
To this day I really prefer to enter a new language with a manual that has an index and examples. I could not have learned shit with nothing but Discord and (today’s) google to help.
A long bed pickup truck with a camper shell.
I’ve only ever had 1 Shelly go out on me and it’s still installed. It’s a 2.5 that stopped speaking wifi. It was set to detached mode to keep some hue bulbs powered. Now the physical switches are no use but it still works so I just left it for now.
Oof, that was a slog - I burned out and started skipping around Thread. Also lemmy
I had never heard of Shinobi, had do duck it to find out what it is. Sorry I don’t have any help to give you but you mentioned unifi - you know that you can now add onvif cameras to Protect, right? That’s what I use for my NVR.
They integrate fine with HA - I have several PoE and one wifi and no problems. For NVR I use unifi now that they will let you add onvif cams. For day-to-day reference to video streams I prefer viewing events in HKSV via Scrypted.
Generally start with crown royal and 7-up over ice until my 12-ounce 7-up is empty then switch to coors banquet (stupid stubby bottles) until it’s time to turn in - which is now.