So we’ll see this game in 2033 yeah?
So we’ll see this game in 2033 yeah?
In the same boat. I stayed because I can’t stand reddits god awful app showing you shit that your not subscribed to, that’s what r/all is for (miss you Apollo)
That’s metal af
I have a Noctigon KR4 it puts out about 2000 lumens. I haven’t been in the flashlight scene for a while so only flashlight brand I can recommend is Noctigon and Sofirn. You can buy Sofirn flashlights on Amazon for fairly cheap.
You should look into Anduril UI flashlights. They are enthusiast grade flashlights but you have so many setting for it. It one click on one click off double click for max brightness and when the lights is on you hold the button to make it brighter and a double click and hold makes it dimmer. Also when it is on and you double click it goes into a turbo brightness which is the brightest setting.
Also Black Ops 2 is still $60 for the base game and $50 for the season pass. THIS IS A 12 YEAR OLD GAME.
At least Apple is not primarily an ad company
Fun fact: Abraham Lincoln is in the wrestling hall of fame. He went 300-1 Source
I was on a money save spree so I disabled some cards not knowing it was tied to the gym.
Don’t want to say the exact gym because it’s a local chain but they used a software suite called “ABC Fitness”
Quote from their website
Imagine running a fitness club where cash flow grows, collection rates are high, and administrative tasks are minimal. This doesn’t have to be a dream—it’s achievable with intelligent billing
Tried doing that with my gym and they kept charging me, then threatened to take it to collections if I didn’t pay up. They also called me twice a day asking for money, and if I answered and then hang up right after it will call you back immediately. They also used a different number each time so you can’t really block it.
My favorite thing about Adam’s videos is the way they are edited, they leave in some silence so you can see Adam’s head gears working as he’s solving a problem. It sorta feels like we’re solving the problem with him.
What happened to Japan in the 90s?
Up and to the right!
Don’t know how much you want me to say about the choices so I’ll spoiler it out. It’s about how the choices are presented I won’t say anything of what the choices are.
If there are BIG choices you will know, the screen gets blurry and shakes a little bit. Some other choices just say “This action will have consequences” which will make a pretty badass tattoo.
The next section will say the core game mechanic I did not know of going into the game
I did not know the game had a time travel mechanic. It blew my mind that you could change some choices
It is a very good game. And I highly recommend it to anyone who plays games for the story. Also the prequel “Before the Storm” is also really good and I cried more playing that game knowing what happens in the first game.
I saw a meme on R*ddit and it was a screenshot of Life is Strange showing a choice between bacon and eggs or pancakes (it’s been a while idk) and I thought that it would be funny to make those random choices. I bought know just that choice. I played the game and cried multiple times during play, it was such a good story. Ever since then I play most games without seeing any gameplay hoping to recapture that feeling of discovery.
Isn’t there a black mirror episode about that exact thing?
Ok cool, I plan on using them in RAID Z1
Well, when the leader of their church is 99 years old some weird shit can happen.
My biggest problem with BL3 was the baddies. I never played BL1 (I know, I’ll get to it). But BL2 with Handsome Jack, you just love to hate him he was such an onion (with layers). And Pre Sequel was forgettable. BL3 was SO much fun the gunplay was fantastic, and some of the side quests were pretty alright. I just hope BL4 is not a cringe fest zoomer humor.