This is a cool one I had no idea
This is a cool one I had no idea
Nurse Chapel = Number One = ship’s computer = Lwaxana = Gene’s wife = Majel Barrett = First Lady of Star Trek
Does this meme format / cat have a name? I was trying to find the raw version the other day and could not.
Everything I’m finding on Google is saying Morocco, with scientists suggesting we probably evolved all over Africa.
A brain covered in knives does kinda seem like a sleeper S tier build
Sand leads to Fear (of no padme), fear leads to anger (losing padme), anger leads to hate (the high ground), hate leads to suffering (lava)
I did forget that. Also that price point is awesome, I just dumped a ton on a fresh build. I didn’t want to minmax on it but it’s cool you can get it that low and still have that level of quality. Gotta hate NVIDIA.
As I said I play games on PC so I would rather option B. I’m just saying that I don’t think PS is comparatively that expensive. If PCs are a better deal, it’s not by that much.
and that’s accounting for a theoretical PS6, used PS5 rn is probably <$400.
Edit: typo
I’ll never not be a PC gamer but calling PS overpriced at the moment is wild. Compared to the cost of PC components right now 5 or 6 hundred is not ridiculous. That’s cheaper than mid to high tier GPU alone.
I mean context is important, not creepy if they’re a couple.
If you’re implying they were dead the whole time, they were not.
I know this is a shitpost but I don’t get what Scar is doing here and I definitely don’t get what Ariel is doing here.
Executions ≠ shenanigans. Are you fucking kidding?
Edit: typo
A useful way to think about it (and I think what the OOP is saying) is to think about it as a scale from 0-100. Where 0 is like the coldest humans can deal with and 100 is the hottest humans can deal with. Obviously this isn’t strictly true (it gets to like 115 in death valley) but as an imperfect generalization it’s pretty useful.
I have the Sony WH-1000XM5 and am not thrilled with the noise cancelling. Is that just the reality of over the ear headphones?