I am a regular human poster
Last i heard he was in jail
Turns out, you can buy plenty of freedom in the states
ecofascism baybeee
Oh boy amateur racial crime stats
muh vibeo ganes
Yeah the market sucks, but being salty about parents financially supporting their kids ain’t it
That is quite literally an act of war FREEDOM, YEEEHAWW.
We are, ya assholes!
One got stopped trying to flee the country parking lot
Keyring is the biggest pita. Otherwise just read the news feed before you update and you’ll be fine
Me and the boys on thumb day
I’m sad that I missed the farewell tour, but I’ve seen DEVO a few times and they always deliver an awesome show
It’s typically right wing shitheads who go on and on about FEMA camps etc
Dare I say - beloved?
Obtuse literalist programmer moment