Yay can’t wait to go die for globohomo and wars started by Isreal and the USA!
Said no Swede ever
Yay can’t wait to go die for globohomo and wars started by Isreal and the USA!
Said no Swede ever
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It’s all for publicity. You should post the videos where the police are being all nice and chatting her up and taking selfies with her before carrying her away at the last protest. News outlets only posted the videos of her being carried away. Other outlets leaked the before images of her posing for pictures and smiles with the cops. It’s all bullshit.
I’m on the other fence. All of the Keepass shilling is pretty extreme. It’s a local solution, which works sure. However, I want something I can immediately use from a new location without having to reimport everything all the time. There’s far more people astroturfing for Keepass than Bitwarden dude.
I’ve never really flossed. Every time I go to the dentist they say I have otherwise perfect teeth and gums for my age. But I also don’t drink soft drink or alcohol, smoke, eat junk food or sweets and have basically never done so. Pretty much everything I eat is organic.
I use a good electric toothbrush though, so generally it feels like it should be enough. If I floss even as gently as I can my gums just bleed like crazy and there’s barely any space to move it around my teeth. If I do it at night I just wake up dried with blood all in my mouth.
EDIT: I have been thinking though about getting a water flosser or whatever they are called. At least to remove any debris the electric toothbrush missed, without (hopefully) the damage and bloody mess I get with floss string.
I absolutely love Bitwarden. They’ve never been hacked (to my knowledge). Are super transparent. Answer support tickets extremely quickly and it only costs $1 a month to use 2FA. The extension and app are super fast, extremely well made as far as user-experience goes and I have never had a problem with them.
Tried Keepass, KeepassXC, 1password, Nordpass, et cetera. Bitwarden does it all better imo and fits my use-case perfectly.
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