The stick would only move at the speed of sound. Or the speed the molecules can push against each other, which is the speed of sound in that material.
The stick would only move at the speed of sound. Or the speed the molecules can push against each other, which is the speed of sound in that material.
We exist as much as you do. You’re not the main character.
To build a bit on this, be patient with him! Even if he keeps saying not, it doesn’t matter, he’ll probably still appreciate it. Especially in the future. And it’ll show him that you’re interested in him, even if he doesn’t outwardly show it, it’s a huge boost coming from a parent.
Brewing alcohol and maybe making drugs. Very essential stuff ;)
The anal gods are asking for another sacrifice
I like your answer a lot
Thanks for introducing me to that song. I love it!
They probably just came from a holiday, give them a break!
Impersonal revenge. I understand the overwhelming emotions when it personally happens to you and needing that “payback”. Not that i support it, but i understand it and I’m pretty sure I’d feel the same at the moment if it happened to me. But when it’s people you don’t know, and you still seek “justice”? There’s no justice in increasing cruelty in the world. It only makes the world worse, not better. I think a lot of prejudices, like racism and such, evolve from this way of thinking, and our civilization would be a better place if we stop our revenge centered thinking. Hurting someone because they hurt you or others is weird to me. There are so many other ways to punish people without hurting them without a benefit other than “it makes me feel good to see them hurt because they’re bad people”.
I read (listened to) some in the series Expeditionary Force by Craig Alanson. It’s a space opera, action/comedy. I love the whole series and I’ve listened to it multiple times already.
Others have already mentioned but I’ve also greatly enjoyed Bobiverse and would probably listen to it again this coming year.
Great. One of my top fears just got worse ʘ‿ʘ
The extremely brainwashed ones would probably say it’s not because you can only genocide humans and those brown Arabs aren’t really human.
Source: I’m a brown Arab and I’ve been told that on multiple occasions.
In defense of trump, it’s what white jesus wants
It’s weird how many people on here attribute good grades to being good at everything else in life. Or minimizing the probable and unnecessary struggle some individuals go through to get those good grades because of the system they were put in. I got good grades because i worked many times harder than my peers. I shouldn’t have to. No one does. I was privileged enough to have enough resources to do as well as i did. Most people with my condition don’t. I’ve also struggled a lot more at other tasks, and in the work place. But i got good grades, so fuck me right?
Foreign-born? You mean immigrant!
It’s all based on the same mathematical model. And since it’s not profitable to make real progress in technology when you’re already making money from it, it’s all a very similar concept of the same technology. Capitalism sure is swell 🙃
At least you got mine ;)
I don’t like to say I quit, more like expanded my belief system to become a human belief system, and not exclusive to a cultural belief system.
I traveled outside my very conservative and religious country, met many different people, learned about a lot of different cultures, and their beliefs. It made me see how “limited” one type of faith can be. How blind I was to the human experiences.
So now, basically, I don’t believe there’s one answer to rule them all. And that’s the biggest change I went through outside of the religion i was raised on.