Both are incredibly unfunny imo. Like yeah, both are absolutely terrible people but I can’t for the life of me figure out why Putler ever caught on. It sounds like something that one annoying kid in fourth grade came up with.
Both are incredibly unfunny imo. Like yeah, both are absolutely terrible people but I can’t for the life of me figure out why Putler ever caught on. It sounds like something that one annoying kid in fourth grade came up with.
I know someone who plays women’s rugby at a very high level, and apparently the teams she plays for are all gay as hell - like you’ll also often see in women’s football. If you’d want to get the lesbians out of those sports (which is ridiculous, of course), you better just stop organising it altogether.
Two things can be true at the same time.
What’s disappointing is that body language can definitely help to determine how people are feeling or what they are thinking, but the people who are into it the most just seem to forget it’s not a foolproof method to completely determine the truth.
I have a sneaking suspicion it isn’t much lol
Rationally I agree, but at the same time I actually really like the passport booklet. I don’t know, it feels so much more official.
I use a Mac for work and I’m saddened to say I do have to use OneDrive, and that it unsurprisingly sucks absolute ass.
Yeah, I agree. It’s not like I disagree with any of the specific points made in the post, but when you put it together it seems very, idk, complacent? Sure, not everything needs to be a challenge, but I also think it’s important to challenge yourself in some things.
Like you alluded to, it means that you’ll fail from time to time, but to me that’s better than never succeeding. Failure is more of an achievement than not trying at all.
Man, I should revisit this album.
Heh, we use velo as well. And yeah, we don’t really stigmatise dialects that much either, though depending on how much dialect you use people might find it unprofessional.
It’s kinda funny, I’m Flemish and a lot of French loan words (ambriage, merci, nondedju = nom de dieu to name a few) are mainly used in dialect, and therefore don’t make you sounds sophisticated or worldly at all.
Meh, as a native Dutch speaker auxiliary verbs feel really utilitarian to me, and not particularly fancy - like you said, that’s highly subjective.
As for cases, I didn’t say Latin or German had the most, but just that I think they’re fancy and that Latin has them while French doesn’t.
For one, Latin has more fancy rules than French. I guess the subjunctive is probably something English speakers might consider fancy, but Latin has that too. Latin has more times that are conjugations of the core verb (rather than needing auxiliary verbs), has grammatical cases (like German, but two more if you include vocative) and, idk, also just feels fancier in general.
I’ll admit it’s been years since I actually read any Latin and that I only have a surface level understanding of all languages mentioned except for French, but this post reads like it’s about the stereotypes of the countries rather than being about the languages themselves.
Frisian is an entirely different beast, and even speaking Dutch doesn’t help you that much to make sense of it.
There are a bunch of expressions in Dutch, some even overlapping with English (like all hands on deck/alle hens aan dek). I could think of five to ten off the top of my head, so I imagine there are a lot more that aren’t as obvious.
The creator of the video pointed out one good joke in the special, and sure enough - it’s about himself lol. So yeah, even when he manages to be funny on purpose he’s still the joke.
Right, I must’ve overlooked that. My bad.
You can easily use it with Nextcloud, to name one example. So yeah, it’s a good suggestion.
They’re different tools, just use them alongside each other.
I mean, it’s important to find joy in the small things and to try to resist the world getting worse. Only focusing on the figurative flowers because your life is good enough is lib shit though, so I get where you’re coming from.