Your average friendly nihilist from Finland.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Few years ago I couldn’t care less. Man seemed ok. He build companies that build new kind of space tech and cool cars with wierd business models, that didn’t quite make sence.

    Last few years he has been acting like someone who’s been on a really long amphetamine binge and quit sleeping. He has the ear of the US president. Who is also displaying erratic behaviour and signs of senility.

    These guys are gonns make the world so much more stable.

  • I think this guy hit the nail in the head.

    Peaceful protest only works if politicians and financial elite has fear and/or respect towards the commond man/woman. Too much elitisms strips away the respect, too many years of peaceful protests takes away the fear. Sometimes ivory towers need to come down, but violence has a tendency to spread and spiral out of control. It’s a balance trick.