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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • It probably really depends on the project, though I’d probably try and start with the tests that are easiest/nicest to write and those which will be most useful. Look for complex logic that is also quite self-contained.

    That will probably help to convince others of the value of tests if they aren’t onboard already.

  • Of the 1,723 adults surveyed across the UK, 73% said technology companies should, by law, have to scan private messaging for child sexual abuse and disrupt it in end-to-end encrypted environments.

    Found this interesting. I found the survey results here: https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/68pn2b6b57/NSPCC_OnlineSafetyBill_230427_W.pdf

    The exact question I believe is being referred to was:

    And do you think technology companies should or should not be required by law to use accredited technology to identify child sexual abuse in end-to-end encrypted messaging apps?

    This seems like a really bad question, since it implies a coexistence of end to end encryption and big tech companies being able to read people’s messages, which doesn’t really make sense (or at least requires more clarification on what that would mean). The question as it is is basically “do you think child sexual abuse is bad”.

  • My experience using docker on windows has been pretty awful, it would randomly become completely unresponsive, sometimes taking 100% CPU in the process. Couldn’t stop it without restarting my computer. Tried reinstalling and various things, still no help. Only found a GitHub issue with hundreds of comments but no working workarounds/solutions.

    When it does work it still manages to feel… fragile, although maybe that’s just because of my experience with it breaking.