Also, looking past that spelling mistake, what the hell is a War Room White House? Is that meant to refer to the situation room? The briefing room? Is it that she’s in two places at once, the White House and a virtual War Room of whatever media organisation she represents?
Or is it, as I may be forced to suspect, a perpetual state of mind, a designation not in conflict of course with any of the above, but indicative of someone who not only cannot spell their job but is just there to, as the phrase goes, perpetually and obsequiously stir shit?
Reminds me of Education Queensland’s approach to creating usernames. First letter of the first name, first four letters of the surname. Followed by a sequential number.
I nearly lost it when I saw a staff member by the name of something like Sharon Laverton (names slightly anonymised, but odds are someone else by that name exists) have an email that not only started
, but also ended with a number for that final dehumanising