Ah. I have modify car before, so making end of banana go downward will not be difficult.
As for color, I live in place that grow a lot of bananas, so it will not be problem. Plus I will not be on road for long. Thanks for comment.
Ah. I have modify car before, so making end of banana go downward will not be difficult.
As for color, I live in place that grow a lot of bananas, so it will not be problem. Plus I will not be on road for long. Thanks for comment.
Never had good look. Medium size Ford? Not really sure.
I do not believe banana is that powerful. But appreciate your faith.
Understood. Will have to make new plan. Also thank you for detail answer.
It is just standard evaluation criteria. If car is able to outrun police I more likely to buy. Just because it is cool and no other reason.