What the fuck kinda Hannibal Lecter cat…
What the fuck kinda Hannibal Lecter cat…
“stout” is the first that comes to mind and isn’t immediately discarded. But because those other forms are so easy to call to mind I’d rather describe the power-lifter as they differ from those norms.
“He was no body-builder. Powerful, yes, but he had traded aesthetics for even more strength. Muscles built upon muscles like layers of a brick house, and nearly as solid.”
What is the message? That borders are dumb?
Yeah, he looks closer to a man his age.
On the one hand, I enjoy unfornicated wings, conceptually…
But what if the sex is what gives them their umami?
What if unfucked wings are just not as tasty? I can’t know until I’ve confirmed the coital status of every set of wings I’ve ever eaten.
Buckle up and tuck in those wet wipes.
“Hey, man, like what the fuck? Actually tho.”
Aw, lame. Thought it said “Pipe” and thought: yo?!
A hero? For what? He didn’t do anything.
They should let that innocent man go free though.
Are you legit victim blaming the dead on a comic about the effects of institutional racism, even in how black kids have a prejudiced introduction to growing up?
Everyone should teach their kids what to do when they encounter a wild animal but apparently you think that’s enough license to blame them when they get bitten?
I don’t want babies to punch, screaming, out of pregnant women. I don’t know why the comic artist is pro-chestbursters
Seeing? In this economy? Surely not.
They’re dumb, not handicapped. An idiot is still culpable for the damage they do. We’re all just lucky they aren’t smart enough to effect their malice.
The discussion was of a common trope in video games, the person I replied to referenced an unspecific element in video game storytelling, and you expect the primary understanding of the subsequent label to be talking to a sub-section of a sub-section of all gamers?
Either you are reading a far too charitable (and unrealistic) interpretation of the previous comment, or the original comment needs signficant revision.
Even if we take your reading as valid, how would the attention span of a minor fraction of all gamers move the needle, in terms of game design, enough to bring about the tropes previously discussed?
Feels unnecessarily hyperbolic to call the average gamer an “adrenaline junkie”. Games need gameplay and fixing things that aren’t working, be it a dying flashlight or an erupting reactor, is easy and extensible gameplay.
What trend is the image showcasing? Repetition?
Presuming you’re talking about servants, do you really think the average American can afford 3 maids? Sincerely?
Should always slap a TODO on the front. IDEs like Jetbrain will catch those for you, so you can willfully ignore them next time(s).
Corn has consumed anyone who could answer.
Nah, leashed up baby as darts practice. The car seat is just to ensure the dartboard gets there safely.
It looks like it was made in Spore