Yes we can make your teeth into eyeballs but you can only eat jello, and only once.
Yes we can make your teeth into eyeballs but you can only eat jello, and only once.
I had a geeetech i3 pro b so the bar is realllllly low for me haha! The nozzle calibrated itself into the bed so hard I think it bent the goddamn rails.
Thanks for this insight! Thanks to everyone that replied really. I’m good with building, just hate endless tweaking and tuning. Will research Voron.
What did you end up buying? I’m leaning towards Prusa again, was looking at Creality but I’m not wanting to tinker around much with that stuff anymore.
I’m not sure that would’ve influenced my situation with a dual core i5-6300U and 4gb ram, it’s a pretty sluggish thing from the get go. But good to know about distrobox maybe that can help me in the future. Now rocking Debian and it’s great.
From what I gather, if you like tinkering and compiling and installing random weird apps then immutable can be a serious pain in the ass like I discovered.
That’s really cool to hear! I had a bad Fedora experience on my surface pro 4, it was silverblue - an immutable distro. Not a great start, so I think I’ll be giving it another shot in it’s natural glory some time this year.
Wasn’t about that at all. Any DNF action took a lightyear… man just typing out those long commands (very hard to remember coming from apt) nevermind the much crazier wait time. Using toolbox for dev environments to compile things was a total nightmare. I’m sure there’s a scenario where it’s ideal, that was certainly not my situation.
I used an immutable fedora on my surface pro 4, I wanted to shoot myself in the face every time I had to install anything. I’m good on that for the rest of my natural life.
Amen brother. I’m really hoping a lot of these gotchas get ironed out in some way as more people start choosing Linux over windows. I would be really happy to see some smoother experiences in the coming year or years. Don’t get me wrong, things are a bajillion times better than ten years ago, but there’s still a ways to go yet.
Krita. I kept it low effort haha
Literally just obsoleted my 2 week old CSS hack haha. Another useless GitHub project on my account. https://github.com/barelyelectric/firefox-csshacks
What’s it like for you now?
deleted by creator
Whatever you do, as soon as you crack it open get your nose right up there and inhale deeply.
Using android banking app, phone broke, new phone with same app flagged and froze my whole account. I had no access to my money and had to physically go to the bank to get it all unlocked, they couldn’t do it over the phone. Only had $20 in my wallet and thankfully my cab driver took me there even though the fare was more. Not a fun day.
XBrowserSync works alright for me, can be self hosted but I don’t.