Giant sloths were terrifying. Built like a tank and had hands strong enough to claw through literal bedrock to make their caves.
Giant sloths were terrifying. Built like a tank and had hands strong enough to claw through literal bedrock to make their caves.
Petal to the mettle.
Russia recently did do an icbm test that exploded in the silo.
It left a 60m crater lol.
I drove one of these as a teenager, it was great.
They can fuck right off. No leader’s pay should automatically adjust for inflation unless everyone else’s does too.
They are nowhere near being paid too little.
Very good point, the perks are immense.
$164k seems like enough to me.
They’re not a third-party! Loophole!
I’m more of a sans serif kinda guy
It’s a UX problem rather than a date format problem at that point. Many form fields require exactly 4 digits.
This is why Batman periodically replaces his Robin.
Also helps it was created by Jack Dorsey.
Typically they test videos, not images. So your AI would have to at least animate it.
This but unironically
You have to wait in the US too, but we pretend our times are better.
My wife hates fish, which in retrospect is probably why she never wears these.
That’s where the term “catatonic” comes from, or so I’ve heard, and it’s a reflex because mother cats carry their babies by the scruff of their neck. From what I understand it’s totally harmless.
Someone who actually knows these things can correct me if I’m wrong of course.
Now kiss
There will be no help for at least four years.
Or, like, ANYTHING with a 3 in it.