Borg in the middle of a battle, systems corrupted, restoring backups, systems not available for three hours. Then some small ship thinks they know how to defeat the Borg only for their civilization to be wiped out.
Borg in the middle of a battle, systems corrupted, restoring backups, systems not available for three hours. Then some small ship thinks they know how to defeat the Borg only for their civilization to be wiped out.
I could feel my dread go as I heard that lines over the years, as a young teen? Of course we will we always have, we endure. As a middle aged adult? I’m not so sure we aren’t going to shove ourselves back to the cave man era and not enough people will listen to anyone with survival knowledge for the species to survive.
Then I think about how many species that must have and will happen to in this vast universe, so we’ll probably be an average result heh in the grand scheme of things that is.
Eventually you realize you forget almost as much as you learn, it’s like a bilge pump in a sinking boat. Then you focus on what you want to remember and come to acceptance with that.
Yup he’ll take every penny he can manage regardless of what happens. I’d say just like last time but I imagine he’ll do much worse in his next term.
Yeah like you couldn’t botch a worldwide pandemic worse than he did but enough Americans seemed to think he deserved another term. I only hope one of the other random viruses don’t get out of control again…cause that’s what stops them, hope right?
The speeder scenes rocked, the few times I got to play the game on that in an arcade it was definitely closer to actually riding at death defying speeds in a semi open forest area, and it wasn’t a quarter game either if I recall.
The score with the final lightsaber scene makes it great as well though in my books. Without the same music it wouldn’t have worked nearly as well…though that’s probably the same for a lot of the scenes. As great as the movie is I can still just listen to the music on its own, used to even on vinyl back in the day, Dad’s soundtrack and my fisher price record player lol.
It’s all Pym particles, that’s what Marvel really runs on.
Not who you asked but I hook up mine to a PC meant for streaming, there’s no need for it to be smart with either browser or applications that stream the content. Unless I’m missing something.
It’s not a need as much as a preference to not want every device need a connection if you have other means to handle the tasks. Also less bandwidth used since they don’t send back random data to headquarters, not that I imagine it’s a lot.
Which is the incorrect part, the console itself or the person who invented it? You weren’t really clear on that and it shows the Fairchild F was designed by a black man in Google but I didn’t search too deep.
After listening to the book a half dozen times or so, I came to the thought it’s like poetry in novel form, the prose can be beautiful and horrid in emotions. Case is high as often as he can and he’s the lens we see most things through so everything is a bit surreal. So I’m guessing that’s agreeing with you calling it an art house novel it that’s close to what you meant.
It’s one of my favourite novels of all time, I only wish I read it when it was newer, only got it like 10 years ago and I was prime age to read it in the 90s. Oh well,glad I got around to it.
Often I really do while playing games. Sometimes I love a good intricate or full of social commentary games, other times I just want to move my mouse and watch things die when I press a button. Though it has to look pretty at the very least if it’s the latter type.
From my experience with Dexedrine, it actually hides headaches more often than causes them,but I still get them now and then. The aches, you sure you’re moving around enough? It’s easy to get into a focus and then realize later in the day you were in a bad position or were tensing up more and didn’t get the movement your muscles needed. I do say this as a middle aged dude so experiences may vary but I can easily zone out programming for a few hours then wonder why something is sore.
Not everyone can take it, when I first tried meds for ADD Ritalin was the first one and gave me hives for the few days I was on it. At one point tried others without side effects but they weren’t as effective so just kept with Dexedrine.
Maybe the hives would have gone away but not exactly work friendly to be productive which was the reason for the meds in the first place.
Maybe if we push out that cars produce chem trails they’ll drive less. Oh technically breathing does too… won’t want to do much of that if you’re against them.
I don’t have much to say on Horgan but I have usually voted NDP for BC elections so I voted for him in the past.
Regarding Star Trek I imagine there’s some correlation for liberal views and Star Trek but it probably comes down to how you watch it. I recall seeing either a meme format or article about Dax’s (Deep Space 9 episode for those unfamiliar) female kiss and apparently they got a lot of people calling in with hate for it. The other part was the people who wrote in tended to show support for the scene. So it seems like it comes down to how you view what you watch. I’m not sure what impact the series has on me exactly but I do know I like how the TNG makes their ideals look and I watched it every Friday(think that was the day) that I could when it was new.
If you can’t beat 'em, swallow them.
Talk about an awkward conversation with the fiancee, or a short time before it’s called off. Unless their partner is as scummy as the candidate, I see a big future in the GOP for them, assuming they get that seat. Party of family values for sure heh. Nothing like showing lies to show how highly you consider those values.
As many times he played with Julian? Hmmm…
Edit oh I imagine that was the joke, oh well I’m leaving it.
Well Trump has no imagination so that’s simple for him, not sure I’d say that about all conservatives, just the simple ones. The ones that have an imagination are possibly more dangerous but least none of them are running for president…this time.
That said can you imagine how stunted someone would have to be not to have an imagination? If so you’re probably better off mentally than half the presidential candidates.
Edit oh right 3rd party… So better off than half of the realistic presidential candidates.
I bet the huddle sections would … have more code and or animations than most football games.