That 5th pic is great! So unimpressed. Or maybe just sleepy. 😴
That 5th pic is great! So unimpressed. Or maybe just sleepy. 😴
That towel pic! 🥰 And what an impressive wingspan! lol
They are both so good! 😭
This is such a close match! C’mon little Saw Whet, you got this. ❤️
Thanks for the reminder! I had forgotten about this.
Excellent! I’ll look forward to it.
These are some excellent pics! It almost isn’t fair.
That in flight picture is gorgeous! This was an even more difficult decision than GHO vs. SWO. Ultimately, I had to go with Barn Owl. I just love the pattern on its feathers.
I will be sad to see GHO go, but I had to vote for Saw Whet. ❤️ I know it has what it takes to be Owl of the Year!
I have done a few puzzles of her artwork. They are pretty popular in the jigsaw puzzle community.
Just one more way that they’re like cats.
This is very surprising for me. I figured Snowy would move on and be very tough for Saw Whet to beat in the final, but maybe Crested has some momentum this year. Or maybe if Snowy gets knocked out it’s very good for little SWO. I suppose this match isn’t over yet, though.
No, that pic is excellent. It’s just so weird that some owls eat fish. It almost got me to vote for it.
So tiny, so cute. ❤️ Look at its face! And the feet! How could you not vote for it? Saw Whet 2024
A judgy Long Ear.
Get some sleep!
I don’t get it either. Long Ear Owl ❤️
(photo from, photo by Jamie Lehn)(I just found it in a google search)
I am happy that Short and Long Eared Owl won their rounds. Sad to see Sooty go, but it was up against GHO, who deserved to make it out of round one. I really hope Saw Whet can go all the way, but Snowy is formidable.
I am Team Saw Whet to win the whole thing, but I will be sad to see Barred Owl go. They have really grown on me this past year.
Yes!!! I knew Saw Whet could do it! ❤️
Thanks for running this again. It was so much fun!